IE? It's had it since IE2, IIRC. Did they lose it at some point?
IE 6, 7, 8 had none, last time I checked. But we need to define fast
history navigation first. I only checked execution of scripts (i.e. that
navigating back/forward doesn't re-run them), and how unload listeners
affect it.
I haven't checked if request is sent to a server.
Sure looks like they have it to me. I'll check though.
Latest jQuery (currently beta, IIRC) attaches "load" listener only when
`window.attachEvent` is present (and `window.addEventListener` is not)..
Yes, of course
No, detecting the script engine version is not a good strategy and
never has been. Address the leak problem _directly_ by not creating
circular references that leak.
Yeah, but then you need to stamp elements with expandos. Or use ids, but
that's a somewhat obtrusive approach.
Prototype.js attaches "unload" when `window.attachEvent` is present and
`window.opera` (as an object with [[Class]] == "Opera") is not. Not a
bad strategy, but probably not as efficient and future-proof as CC-based
Why even bring them up? Have you seen my review of that code?
Current Prototype.js codebase? What is there to see? Everyone knows
about all of its flaws and legacy mistakes, and that a complete rewrite
is in order. Did you actually spend time reviewing it?
Yes, we've been over that many times. Back in 2007 I thought it was a
good idea (among other things). And the difference is that mine
doesn't _need_ to do that at all as it creates no circular references
on attaching listeners.
I would be really interested to see "My Library" cleaned up and brought
up to speed. It has potential, but looks rather rough at the moment.
Looking it over, I can see a few things that I would change (and
likely will as they are all trivial).
1. Remove unload listeners
2. Remove all signs of gBOF (deprecated method)
3. Optimize regular expressions
4. Copy simplified viewport measurement logic from:-
5. Copy improved attribute handling logic from:-
....and remove the _ridiculous_ setAttributeByReplacement crutch.
5A. Include hack (no real solution yet) for IE8 bug related to
maximizing elements (or maybe they will fix it in the browser). Under
some circumstances, an element with offsetWidth x will create a
horizontal scrollbar (1 pixel overflow) when viewport width is x.
Obviously x - 1 alleviates it, but that is the wrong width (leaves one
pixel wide gap). (!) The above test page has the hack. Interestingly
enough, sidebars in My Library do not trigger the problem, but
maximized elements do. There's a clue in there somewhere.
6. Server needs to filter unneeded method detection for OO layer (it
knows what is going into it when building, of course).
7. Clean up add-ons (e.g. DOM ready simulation)
8. Add new keyboard monitor and a few other miscellaneous bits I've
come up with recently
9. Fill in some of the unsupported CSS2 selectors (lowest priority).
I'm working on a TaskSpeed demo too. Early results indicate it is the
fastest at virtually everything (fairly close to "pure JS" in some
cases). Ironically, this has caused me to work on #9 recently.
I'm sure there are other things that could improve it without
sacrificing any speed or adding much to the size. I welcome
suggestions (and help from qualified applicants).
And, of course, the documentation and Website could use some
improvements (perhaps even some pretty graphics). It's just never
been a concern for me to attract users for that thing. It's a loss-
leader for me.