Dominick Baier [DevelopMentor]
of course - this book was written around the 1.0/1.1 timeframe - AD Membership
is a 2.0 feature
The membership section is only about 300 pages - and around 50 for AD...
well . if you want to know how that stuff works and why it may not work for
you - this is the easiest solution
but of course you can go back and forth for some more weeks asking arbitrary
questions about that.
no offense.
is a 2.0 feature
The membership section is only about 300 pages - and around 50 for AD...
well . if you want to know how that stuff works and why it may not work for
you - this is the easiest solution
but of course you can go back and forth for some more weeks asking arbitrary
questions about that.
no offense.