Stefan Sonnenberg-Carstens
Am 22.12.2010 20:28, schrieb mpnordland:
authenticated people.
Now, configure logrotated and tell to rotate logs every day/week/month
(your mileage will vary).
After rotating run a program such as webalizer to get stats (even on a
per user basis).
If you have smart guys under your users, set up a) a transparent proxy
intercepting http/https requests
or b) set up a iptables firewall with redirection to the squid port.
There are many, many, many how-to documents on the net describing
exactly what you want to do.
A first starting point could be
And your problems are solved a long time ago:
And, the most important thing:
Check your local laws for this intention.
Some, like our german law, require these things to be under clear rules.
Just install Squid, enable user authentication and grant access only took, I'll give one more chance.
First, to pacify those who hate google groups: What is a good usenet
second, How should I set up this proxy so that when a connection is
made, it request's authentication, and then log's the request, if
authentication is not gotten, how do I have it block (or firewall) the
request? Furthermore, I would like for the proxy to be squid. So all
of the nitty gritty should have to do with squid.
authenticated people.
Now, configure logrotated and tell to rotate logs every day/week/month
(your mileage will vary).
After rotating run a program such as webalizer to get stats (even on a
per user basis).
If you have smart guys under your users, set up a) a transparent proxy
intercepting http/https requests
or b) set up a iptables firewall with redirection to the squid port.
There are many, many, many how-to documents on the net describing
exactly what you want to do.
A first starting point could be
And your problems are solved a long time ago:
And, the most important thing:
Check your local laws for this intention.
Some, like our german law, require these things to be under clear rules.