Hang over from my real job, spitting out C++/C# code where the \r is
usually mandatory. Try sending just a \n to a printer. True, who sends
stuff to a real printer these days, but I did thirty years ago when I
started to really learn how to program IBM systems back then of
course with really small numbers like system/370 model 135 (about as
powerfull as a 80368).
Also many MS utilities (read: notpad which what you get from a
view->source in IE) require the \r.
It doesn't hurt the *nix systems.
Sure, I even remember having to do that a long time ago back when I had a
printer (-all of which, afaik, need both line feeds and carriage returns to
"proceed",) but got used to the \n alone from scripting the java. PHP is a
relative newcomer but alike in many ways to j/s.