Jordan Abel
Nit: Under USC Title 17 (US Federal copyright law), at least prior to
WIPO, archival copying of an entire work is fair use. (Of course, the
original copy may still be a violation.) But I agree that Rod's legal
argument is nonsense.
You do have to consider the landscape though - It's arguable that there
is an assumption that anything posted on the internet that's not behind
a login / credit card / etc is free to load in your web browser and
view, just like there is an assumption in the real that you can enter
any land that does not have a fence or any "no trespassing" signs
For another example: you included an excerpt from Al Balmer's
copyrighted work and I in turn included that excerpt and the entire text
of your own in this message. Under the strict interpretation of
copyright law that has been put forward in this thread, this would have
been illegal. I guess all the google groups users are really just trying
to avoid liability for copyright violation.