Go on...
A year and a half and you are still producing buggy code? (you
yourself admitted this!)
Of course! You'll not find a single programmer who creates bug-free
(I'm beginning to think we're dealing with a software-based troll
programmed to focus in on specific words in order to set up strawman
Well could we see a link to a few answered questions or get your nick
so we can corroborate this statement ourselves?
Sure! I don't feel compelled to answer your demands but this one is
harmless enough.
if you want, you can also do a search on google groups for my other
email address "(e-mail address removed)". I have a history in
comp.lang.tcl that goes back to almost the dawn of time. I'm the 8th
most prolific poster (and pretty much all answers, very few
questions), though I'd be higher except I used a different email for a
year or so back in 2002-2004
First rule when given a challenge you cannot answer due to ignorance:
question the validity of the challenge.
And the first rule for dealing with someone who gives facts that don't
agree with you is to call them names.
Well this is ONLY the first challenge Bryan. More will come. However,
not until someone has the balls to answer my first challenge.
Honestly, your challenge is childish. The rules are self-serving and
the outcome proves nothing. Your challenge serves nothing but to prove
wxPython has a built-in widget that tkinter does not. Nobody disputes
that. Proving it in code is pointless when it's a well known,
documented fact.
I don't think that is completely accurate Bryan. Harder thanTkinter,
yes. Anything else is hyperbole.
Answer my challenge first, then we talk. And obviously you do not
understand the power of wx's Open Graphics Library (OGL). You'd better
go check that out before you stick yourTkinterloving foot into your
big mouth.
I stand corrected. It was early, that was the first thing that came to
mind. said:...
Segfault or not wx is superior.
I don't know if you realize it, but that's a funny statement.
No, seriously. Tcl/tk and python/tkinter are both remarkably stable in
this regard. You want a programming challenge? Try creating an app
using either of those combinations to get a segfault. I'm not saying
it can't be done, but it _is_ challenging.
Ok, now I'm pretty certain I'm responding to a bot. Time to move on.