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I'm confused. _What_ goes for writing a whole GUI frontend?
Not going to happen.
You're going to write a frontend for 'gems'?
The _first_ release
should be entirely possible in one weekend with a couple of good
Exactly. The Codefest Grant is enough for one weekend, so what's the
purpose of spending money on us if what we develop is unlikely to be
maintained or finished? (I'm not terribly interested in maintaining
it, and I'm certainly not interested in GUI toolkit headaches either.)
I'd much rather see the Codefest Grant money put to a use that will
have the greatest benefit to Ruby, and a GUI only falls under the "ooh!
shiny!" category for me.
Things like behaving nicely to ^C or a command to remove old gems are
much more beneficial and I think the community will get more value for
their donated dollars. We're looking for the rough edges and dull
surfaces to sand down and polish. (Yeah, I'm going to be spending your
money, so I don't want to be producing stillborn projects.)
The idea is to pull off a huge success so we (the community) can point
to something and say "look what your donated dollars bought!" This way
more dollars will be donated which allows larger, longer projects to be
Eric Hodel - (e-mail address removed) -
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