Michael said:
Please provide proper attributions when you quote on Usenet.
For someone so concerned with imposing consistency, you're
observing rather poor netiquette.
Sorry. I often omit the attribution when the quote is
a paraphrased or consensus opinion, of limited relevance,
simply for context, or even in the interest of brevity.
Please note that readers who need the source can easily find
it, e.g. at Groups.Google. (Also posting at both Groups.Google
and Groups-Beta.Google seems to be broken these days. I
had to cut and paste to get the remark and attribution above.
Suggestions welcome, but be aware I post from Internet cafe.)
Also, to avoid disharmony, I often omit the attribution for a quoted
idea when I argue against the *idea*, but not against the ideator.
Speaking of harmony, let's please do avoid frivolous
objections or "straw-man" debates. I apologize for
any of my own comments which have been misunderstood --
My rhetoric gets a little too whimsical sometimes.
But if you *do* name the reference in an excerpt,
it is Netiquette to give quotee the benefit of his own
words. It is unreasonable to imply that jdallen2000
extrapolates a claim about the readability of
j } else {
to promote construction like
j char *s, *commap; int cnt;
j s = Begp; if (*s == '\0') return 0;
j for (cnt = 1; commap = index(s, ','); cnt++) {
j *commap = '\0'; plain_ups(s);
j s = commap + 1; while (*s == ' ') ++s;
j } plain_ups(s); return cnt;
I saw this sophomoric prank coming, and felt I had forestalled
it by posting the early rejoinder:
... with poor eyesight. (*Rarely*, I may even run statements
together on the same line, when the statements are
*very* similar, very short, and obviously coupled.)
Your (understanding of English is flawed).
Hunh? What's your point? Are you one of the guys that
writes, "i saw the lite"? You seem to be from the laissez-faire
school, but your arguments shed more heet than lite.
[True Style] was in very widespread use among the most elite C
programmers. ... proud to emulate the style of so many Masters.
Linus Torvalds also codes in True Style, so I don't think this
is just a Berkeley/Bell-Labs phenomenon.
Someone responded, and I paraphrase:
No, this list of True Style programmers is not particularly
more or less skilled than [some other groups].
Really? Are you guys comparing yourselves to Bill Joy?
Of all the code *you*'ve examined, pick those that exhibited
the most skill and name the programmers.
What style did they use?
The best C code I've examined has been Unix kernels, shells, etc.
I realize this is a biased sample, but it would be fun to hear
from others. If your nominee did *not* write in True Style,
can you honestly say he's as good a programmer as nominees
like Linus Torvalds, Dennis Ritchie, and some of the BSD and
Sun programmers? I've not examined much of Chris Torek's
code but he'd qualify: what style does he use?
I said:
Although defense counsel continues to recommend `indent'
they offered no rebuttal to this point:
Are we to conclude that the defendants are satisfied to use
only indent-approved spacing?
Still, no one has deigned to post a rebutter here.
Finally, I'll restore the spaces Google ate in the
code sample of the earlier post. Google seems to
be forcing short lines today, so you'll still have
to use a little imagination to see what the code
*really* looks like.
A year ago I mentioned a stylistic deviation I use, and one
of the defense attorneys in the present case responded:
Which of the following is more easily read?
Do be open-minded, setting aside any convention.
j My way:
j /*
j * Do a 3-D convolution.
j * Convolve in_sig with conv_k producing out_sig.
j * (Delivered code may be slightly different.)
j */
j for (x = in_sig->beg_x; x < in_sig->end_x;x++)
j for (y = in_sig->beg_y; y < in_sig->end_y;y++)
j for (z = in_sig->beg_z; z < in_sig->end_zz++) {
j val = 0;
j for (dx = conv_k->beg_x; dx < conv_k
j for (dy = conv_k->beg_y; dy < conv_k->end_y; dy++)
j for (dz = conv_k->beg_z; dz < conv_k->end_z; dz++) {
j val += in_sig->dat[x+dx][y+dy][z+dz]
j * conv_k->dat[dx][dy][dz];
j }
j out_sig->dat[x][y][z] = val;
j }
... tends to hide the nesting [, but] FWIW, I *never*
omit the new-line before a for-body, even if it's the trivial
for-body (";"), so ... such for's will *always* be nested.
j "Approved" style:
j for (x = in_sig->beg_x; x < in_sig->end_x; x++)
j {
j for (y = in_sig->beg_y; y < in_sig->end_y; y++)
j {
j for (z = in_sig->beg_z; z < in_sig->end_z; z++)
j {
j val = 0;
j for (dx = conv_k->beg_x; dx < conv_k->end_x; dx++)
j {
j for (dy = conv_k->beg_y; dy < conv_k->end_y;
j {
j for (dz = conv_k->beg_z; dz < conv_k->end_z;
j {
j val += in_sig->dat[x+dx][y+dy][z+dz]
j * conv_k->dat[dx][dy][dz];
j }
j }
j }
j out_sig->dat[x][y][z] = val;
j }
j }
j }
Dearest regards, James Dow Allen (mail address: jamesdowallen at gmail)