Tim Harig
This is wishful thinking. Firstly, code written with a narrow
indentation offset (e.g., two spaces) can take up an uncomfortable width
when viewed with a wider offset.
I can accept that as a trade-off. People have different ideas about
acceptable column width anyway. I use 8 space tab stops and target
to no more then 80 columns. If somebody uses 2 space tab stops, its going
to go over the 80 columns a little bit; but, not so much as cause a major
Secondly, if you want other parts (e.g., per-line comments) of lines
with different indentations to align, then you'll have to take into
account the tab width. Technically, you could arrange that between any
pair of alignment points of any pair of lines there are the same number
of tab characters; but this is also doomed to uncomfortably wide lines;
it also suffers because it imposes an /a priori/ upper bound on the
indentation level.
I use simple comments that are not effected by white space. I don't waste
my time trying to make comments look artistic. They are there to convey
information; not to look pretty. I really detest having to edit other
peoples comment formatting where you have to re-align everything if the
length of any of comment lines change.