John Machin
Off-topic now, but you've made me curious.
Why is this a bad idea?
How would you handle the case of "barow" and "marow"? (Barrow and
marrow, naturally.) Without the first letter, they sound identical. Why is
throwing that information away a good thing?
Sorry if that was unclear. By "preserving the first letter", I meant
that in "standard" soundex, the first letter is not transformed into a
Karen -> K650
Kieran -> K650
(R->6, N->5; vowels->0 and then are squeezed out)
Now compare this:
Aaron -> A650
Erin -> E650
Bearing in mind that the usual application of soundex is "all or
nothing", the result is Karen == Kieran, but Aaron !== Erin, which is
at the very least extremely inconsistent.
A better phonetic-key creator would produce the same result for each
of the first pair, and for each of the second pair -- e.g. KARAN and
ARAN respectively.
Also consider Catherine vs Katherine.