Michael said:
Ah, I see. I am specifically referring to JavaScript though and this
is what I am trying to say with that sentence:
let "x" represent a particular operator
let P(x) represent the claim "x is a function"
¬(∀x P(x))
which is equivalent to:
∃x ¬P(x)
I am not trying to say:
(∀x ¬P(x))
I hope that is clearer (and of course I hope Google Groups doesn't
mangle the quantifiers when I hit submit...).
Your statement is clear now, as Google Groups positive-surprisingly kept the
Unicode characters intact.
But now the burden of proof is on me to prove that there exists an
operator which is not a function. Luckily for me and my laziness, this
work has already been done:
So I think x + "" would qualify if x is one of the values mentioned
in the link.
(I took a glance at the 5.1 spec and that note is still there.)
While the argument on number representation in the referred article might be
solid, a disturbing (but unfortunately common) amount of inaccuracies,
misnomers and misconceptions with regard to its environment can be found
there. This includes, but might not be limited to:
| […] in JavaScript all tables (associative arrays) are indexed by strings,
| and nothing else."
There are _no_ (built-in) "associative arrays" or "tables" in JavaScript
(the programming language). There are *objects* (as required by ES 5.1,
section 8.6, and corresponding sections of earlier Editions, of which
JavaScript is stated by the respective vendor [see below] to be an
implementation of). [How ECMAScript objects are to be implemented in a
programming language is _not_ specified.]
Objects are _not_ "indexed by string". Objects *have properties* with
String-type names, where with Array instances some property names with
numeric representation are special (ES 5.1, 15.4). [That particular
misconception might be a direct result of David Flanagan's listing `['…`]'
as "Array/index operator" in his "JavaScript: The Definitive Reference"
| […] when you go a[0] = thing, isn’t that indexing the table `a' with the
| number 0? Well, yes and no.
| So with (small) integer keys there are few possible problems.
`a[0]' is _not_ accessing a "table `a' with the number `0'" or by "integer
key". It is accessing a *property* of an *object* by the numeric
representation of its *property name*. Likewise, a["0"] is accessing the
property with the name "0" (for short: "the '0' property") of the object
*referred to* by the `a' property of the next matching object in the scope
chain (and potentially by other properties of other objects).
| Given the importance of arrays in JavaScript, […]
| When converting numbers to strings JavaScript requires that the
| parsimonious printing rule is applied.
| In principle a JavaScript implementation could make a different choice
| each time it performed the conversion.
| It would of course be insanity for an implementation to do that, but it’s
| still a loophole in the specification, and it should be closed.
The terms JavaScript and ECMAScript are used interchangeably there. But
JavaScript (1.1+) is (merely) *an implementation of* ECMAScript, originally
by (Brendan Eich of) the Netscape Communications Corporation, and later the
Mozilla Organization (Mozilla.org).
The article is speaking about "JavaScript implementations". However, there
are, in a manner of speaking, AFAIK only two production-quality JavaScript
implementations: SpiderMonkey (with improvements TraceMonkey and
JägerMonkey), and Rhino [1, 2]. [There is also a test implementation of
what was then called "JavaScript 2.0", itself an implementation of
Netscape's (Waldemar Horwat's) proposal for ECMAScript Edition 4, called
Epimetheus (as in Greek mythology) [2], see also [3].]
All other implementations that this concerns are *ECMAScript*
implementations. This is important because "varying between
implementations" with regard to the ECMAScript Language Specification means,
of course, "varying between *ECMAScript* implementations".
I will look into said argument later, but this needed pointing out right
[1] <
[2] <
[3] "Google Tech Talk – Changes to JavaScript, Part 1: EcmaScript 5", with
Mark Miller, Waldemar Horwat, and Mike Samuel.