I am beginning to suspect that all internet trolls have NPD. Consider how
much more sense his behavior makes if you assume that. He's never at
fault; it's always someone or something else.
How dare you brag about your own ADHD and implicitly ask for sympathy
for it, and use a fantasized narcissistic personality disorder in
another as an argument in a technical discussion?
Yes. Compilation to bytecode is an intermediate state between purely
Wrong. It's not halfway. It's more like 1..10% slower. And for this,
you get protection against incompetence and fraud, and the ability to
port without having to hire a Fat Bastard of a C "expert".
interpreted language (such as most Unix shells) and languages like C,
which compile directly to machine code.
Supported in fact by a runtime in all cases which performs stack and
heap management, as described by Herb Schildt, by example.
There are a number of interesting
special cases to be found. From what little I know of C#, it sounds like
....you're going to pontificate about C# based on ignorance while
decrying this with respect to C. You can open your yap about C# but
nobody can speak about C without repeating shibboleths.
What a jerk!
C# and Java are in the same basic class -- they compile once into an
intermediate form other than processor instructions, which is then
"interpreted" by a bytecode interpreter of some sort. That's a pretty
reasonable compromise.
WRONG. The compiler translates to bytecode. That bytecode is then
transformed into threaded, and directly executable, machine
instructions the first time the runtime software (which is not an
interpreter, but is properly known as just in time compiler)
encounters it. Bytecodes that are not executed remain in bytecode
form. After this ONE TIME operation the code is MACHINE LANGUAGE. The
one time operation also performs the invaluable service of detecting
incompetence and malfeasance.
Do your homework before posting on matters on which you are without
standing. Withdraw the Schildt post, because without standing you
seriously damaged his reputation because as here, you did not do your
homework ("the 'heap' is a DOS term"). Stop calling people "morons"
and "crazy" based on your knowing some detail of C that they don't, or
based on their willingness to speak truth to power.
"You CHILD. You COMPANY MAN. You stupid ****ing ****. You, Williamson,
I'm talking to you, ****head. You just cost me $6,000. Six thousand
dollars, and one Cadillac. That's right. What are you going to do
about it? What are you going to do about it, asshole? You're ****ing
****. Where did you learn your trade, you stupid ****ing ****, you
idiot? Who ever told you that you could work with men? Oh, I'm gonna
have your job, ****head. " - David Mamet, Glengarry Glen Ross