OpenJDK Client VM (build 14.0-b08, mixed mode, sharing)> java Bench1 > /dev/null
Java Elapsed 0.08
Java Elapsed 0.079
Java Elapsed 0.079ruby 1.9.2dev (2009-08-25 trunk 24642) [i686-linux]> ruby -rubygems bench2.rb > /dev/null
Ruby Elapsed 0.059
Ruby Elapsed 0.058
Ruby Elapsed 0.060
I guess this wasn't the first run when the inline code got compiled?
Right, compilation time is not included. The time measurements were
taken inside the program before and after the method call.
Anyway, since the runtime is so short, in the case of the java version
you're to some extent measuring the JVM startup time.
As above, the timings are from inside the program: so, they don't
include the startup time, but the program did not allow for JIT warmup