Funny; I remember the time when a "calculator' meant a person who calculated
for a living.
The clockwork machine he/she might very well use only understand a negative
input as rotation of the crank one way, and positive as going the other
over-the-top way.
Would you believe I did a postgraduate degree in how, precisely, to use one
of those hand-crank things properly, when studying Numerical Analysis? Yes,
we had electricity of a sort (D.C.at 240 volt; no coil-based transformers -
I had a minature train 00 layout with a dynamo-generator to get 240v down to
12v DC), but see R.Feynman on his opinion of the use of powered omputing
devices at Los Alamos.
It was very much later I met my first American Marchant machine (after we we
got A.C. power).
How could the electical power engineers guess wrong ?(like Edison did in the
USA actually).
for a living.
The clockwork machine he/she might very well use only understand a negative
input as rotation of the crank one way, and positive as going the other
over-the-top way.
Would you believe I did a postgraduate degree in how, precisely, to use one
of those hand-crank things properly, when studying Numerical Analysis? Yes,
we had electricity of a sort (D.C.at 240 volt; no coil-based transformers -
I had a minature train 00 layout with a dynamo-generator to get 240v down to
12v DC), but see R.Feynman on his opinion of the use of powered omputing
devices at Los Alamos.
It was very much later I met my first American Marchant machine (after we we
got A.C. power).
How could the electical power engineers guess wrong ?(like Edison did in the
USA actually).