Console Colour


David B. Held

WW said:
Teeyester said:
A lot of techno going on here.......Try this
[nonportable crap SNIPped]

Please do not post non-portable propriatery code to

Thanks again David B. Held! Good work!

I'd do it again for no other reason than to annoy you personally.
Now *that's* trolling!


David B. Held

Teeyester said:
It would appear that this forum is probably over my head

Don't worry, the self-appointed newsgroup fuhrer claims to
be on the C++ committee and still makes fundamental errors
in his posts.
"In my experience, people who are not helped go away. In
my opinion, telling every off-topic poster that he's off-topic,
instead of merely failing to answer the question doubles the
amount of noise on the group."

So I shall heed his advise and respectfully ....go away .....

But don't just leave. Leave for greener pastures. Check out
comp.lang.c++.moderated, which is much more pleasant to
read, because you don't see all the messages from angry
people who act like moderators but are frustrated that they
lack the power to be moderators.



David said:
WW said:
Teeyester said:
A lot of techno going on here.......Try this
[nonportable crap SNIPped]

Please do not post non-portable propriatery code to

Thanks again David B. Held! Good work!

I'd do it again for no other reason than to annoy you personally.
Now *that's* trolling!

You had no other reason so far either. Unless you intended to annoy every
decent user of this newsgroup.


David said:
Teeyester said:
It would appear that this forum is probably over my head

Don't worry, the self-appointed newsgroup fuhrer claims to
be on the C++ committee and still makes fundamental errors
in his posts.

If you find any, point them out. So far it is only your mouth mumbling. At
least I do not keep post nonportable bullsh*t.
"In my experience, people who are not helped go away. In
my opinion, telling every off-topic poster that he's off-topic,
instead of merely failing to answer the question doubles the
amount of noise on the group."

So I shall heed his advise and respectfully ....go away .....

But don't just leave. Leave for greener pastures. Check out
comp.lang.c++.moderated, which is much more pleasant to
read, because you don't see all the messages from angry
people who act like moderators but are frustrated that they
lack the power to be moderators.

Out of the two of us you are the one who gets more and more frustrated. You
cannot even do decent trolling.


David said:
Teeyester said:
It would appear that this forum is probably over my head

Don't worry, the self-appointed newsgroup fuhrer claims to
be on the C++ committee and still makes fundamental errors
in his posts.

Ahh. I did not see your attempted sarcasm and failed attempt to prove me
lie. I am not on the C++ committee as a voting member (yet). I will be
there as an observer for now. Since unlike you dropping in here and trying
to change the rules I like to take the time to know what I am supposed to do
and what not. And IIRC I did not write I am on the C++ committee. If I
did, that was just wrong wording. IIRC I said I have worked my ass off to
get there. Last time I have been invited (Oxford) to observe and contribute
if I can I could not do it due to reasons beyond my control. Now I am
looking forward to it - despite of your ill-mannered bull-baiting.
Especially because I have already prepared a contribution which I guess will
be argued into pieces. What will give me the opportunity to be humiliated
based on reasons rather than annoying trolls' clouded fictions and
fixations. And that means I will learn a lot.

David B. Held

WW said:
David said:
Teeyester said:
It would appear that this forum is probably over my head

Don't worry, the self-appointed newsgroup fuhrer claims to
be on the C++ committee and still makes fundamental errors
in his posts.

If you find any, point them out.

WW said:
You are not allowed to place anything into the std
So far it is only your mouth mumbling.'s my mumbling now? Oh, sure, you
followed it up with this convenient bit of backpedaling:
You are not placing them into the standard namespace.
They are there and you are allowed to specialize them.

Nice of you to mention that in the original post.
At least I do not keep post nonportable bullsh*t.

At least I don't tell users things that aren't in the standard.
That seems more evil than a non-portable solution, if you
ask me.
Out of the two of us you are the one who gets more and
more frustrated. You cannot even do decent trolling.

Oh, I'm so sad. You said I was a bad troll. And daddy
troll and mommy troll also said I was a no good troll kiddy.
Let's see...which one of us said:

"Get a wife and start crewing her."

While I am interested in rowing, I'm not sure I would find a
wife on the local crew team. So which one of us is "more
frustrated"? I can provide lots of other quotes, if there is
any doubt.



David said:'s my mumbling now?

You, troll.
Oh, sure, you
followed it up with this convenient bit of backpedaling:

Nice of you to mention that in the original post.

At least I don't tell users things that aren't in the standard.

Really? So you tell them about ANSI terminals, which are not in the

BTW I see you have afound new trolling tactics: take things out of context.
Good job. Although only a 6 years old would fall for it but hey, you have
That seems more evil than a non-portable solution, if you
ask me.

Making a mistake (if I did) is not as evil as driving a newsgroup
deliberately off-topic and then keep trolling around as you do.
Out of the two of us you are the one who gets more and
more frustrated. You cannot even do decent trolling.

Oh, I'm so sad. You said I was a bad troll. And daddy
troll and mommy troll also said I was a no good troll kiddy.
Let's see...which one of us said:

"Get a wife and start crewing her."

Yes. Tipical respons to a troll. The trolls' sole purpose in life is to
create flame. And the troll uses flame baits (obviously wrong or stupid
things, like telling that ANSI terminals are in the realm of the standard
C++) to achieve that. Just like you. How interesting.
While I am interested in rowing, I'm not sure I would find a
wife on the local crew team. So which one of us is "more
frustrated"? I can provide lots of other quotes, if there is
any doubt.

You have not yet seen me frustrated. That little suggestion above was the
first sign of me completely giving up on you since your stonehead is unable
to grasp even the simplest idea - doesn't matter how many tells it to you.

Feel yourself killfiled.

David B. Held

WW said:
If you would read posts here for other purposes than
picking up a good trolling place for yourself you would
know that this is not true.

And this is not an groundless, antagonistic statement? What
is the definition of 'trolling' again?
No. Being an asshole stating that everything belongs here
which is covered by any of the ANSI standards belongs
here does.

Oh, I see. When you *reply* to an off-topic post, nothing
you say is considered "trolling". That means you are free to
put words in people's mouths and fail to quote them when
you attribute a claim to them. My bad.
Keeping arguing about your off topic post (which you have
stated as on-topic) when you clearly know it was off-topic

I never claimed it was on-topic. I gave a half-hearted
justification for answering the question. But obviously, you
don't know what a smiley is. At this point, I'm not arguing
about my post. I'm arguing about the fact that you are
expending so much energy perpetrating the very evil you
complain about, which is off-topic posting.
What makes *you* a troll is wasting peoples time and
posting deliberate flame baits.

Ah. I guess none of these could be considered "flame baits":

"Being an asshole stating that everything belongs
here which is covered by any of the ANSI standards
belongs here does."

"Get a wife and start crewing her."

"You think wrong. Wouldn't be the first case."

"Better look for another job. You would make a perfect
IRS official. AFAIK they also drive people crazy."

"Think. It might be unusual thing to do but believe me it
is worth of it."

That's from just your last post alone. I could compile a
veritable tome if I just dug through a few more posts.
Where I come from, people who accuse others of
something they are engaged in at the moment are called
Get a wife and start crewing her. We have enough jerks in
this NG without you.

Do you talk like this during committee meetings when
someone disagrees with you?
Actually I have control over the content here as well.

You may have control over the content you see, but you are
impotent to change the content that is posted.
I just choose not to killfile you, because I know that your
fake-liberal postings will encourage the thankx-to-god-
sleeping jerks who used to create 50+ posts Windows
programming threads.

The world sleeps better under your watchful eye of
The problem is that you are not liberal as you try to put it.

Was I trying to sound liberal? That's funny...I didn't even
know political persuasion had entered the thread.
You come into a group which has its own ground rules and
you try to change them to those of yours.

Oh, you're right. The first thing I did when I came here
was to take the welcome message and group guidelines and
twist them for my own evil purposes. Muaaahahahaha!!!
Soon, the entire newsgroup will be mine!!!! <more evil
That it either a self-absorbed consrvative (who cannot
imagine that there can be anything else than what he thinks
is good)

Hmm...that sounds like someone I've seen recently...
or an anarchist. Neither one is needed in a technical

Tell that to the hypocrite.
Thread safe strings? (as you know, C++ is thread-

As you know, C++ is being changed. Threads are being

"Being"? What percentage of progress is there? Last time I
heard, features either existed in the language or they didn't.
For that matter, who is to say that color support will not be
added? After all, people have even talked about color-
sensitive source code!
In addition threads like that are not rejected here either by

Well, it's impossible for me to read every thread to see which
off-topic posts are really on-topic. Perhaps you could make
a list.
If you care to look into the thread not only picking up
subject lines which seem to support you you would see that
the posts are *not* about threads programming but about
where is C++ heading and why could a string fail in MT.

Since threading is currently platform-specific, I don't see
how you could argue that it's a C++ discussion. Otherwise,
we might as well talk about the Dinkumware implementation
of strings.
No, it is not. It is concentrating on the standard compliance
of two compilers and portability. *Not anything* platform
specific. don't think discussion about compiler flags and
extensions in g++ is "platforms-specific"?? What do you
call it?
Obviously... did you care to look at more than the subject?

Yup. And not a single post discusses C++ code. That's
because the thread is really about network security, despite
having 8 posts in it, and not one warning by the moderator
that the thread is unrelated to C++.
No. And such questions are asked and answered here as

It's nice how you pick and choose which OT topics to make
It is C++ specific. It is guideline James Bond... sorry 007
in a series of proposed guidelines for C++ programmers.

Oh, I see. Banning profane language isn't possible or
appropriate in Ada or Forth or Haskell or Fortran. It's
only something relevant to C++ source and programmers.
My mistake. I need to put more swearing in my Java code.
That thread had nothing to do with C++ IDEs. It is an
attempt to clarify if a term means anything or not.

In your incompetence, you ran together two lines which
were not the same in the original post. Anyway, the term
was not specific to C++, and IDEs don't have anything
to do with C++ and are highly platform-specific.
Basically yes. In there the jerks stating that ANSI
consolse codes belong to the topic of ANSI C++ are
cut off before they reach the air.

Actually, it's even worse than that. I'm saying that the
moderation itself is more relaxed, and you don't get the
impression that the moderators hyperventilate every
time they see a post with questionable topicality.
So yes, clcm can be more liberal on topics, because it
will still be a moderated discussion.

But with thugs like you roaming the newsgroup, so will
threads here.
But then again within the topics you have picked up
above there are only two questionable at first sight

Obviously, we disagree.
but one of them is part of a set and the other is
terminology clarification.

"Part of a set"? What is that supposed to mean? And
since when is non-C++ specific terminology relevant
to a C++ newsgroup? What if I started asking about
cache memory? Or bus-mastering peripherals? Is
that type of terminology clarification on-topic?
No. What makes you a troll is to provoke these.

I see. So when I say something antagnostic, it makes me
a troll. When you say something antagonistic, you were
"provoked". Now it makes sense.
It was only trolling/silly to state that ANSI terminals are
topical here.

Obviously, I wasn't vigorously defending the idea that
ANSI color codes were 100% topical. Hence, THE
SMILEY. And to say that I was trolling is ridiculously
cynical. You're the one that likes to start flame wars
whenever someone rubs you the wrong way. You're the
most disruptive poster on this newsgroup, so far as I can
tell. I would also be extremely suprised if the C++
committee allowed someone as unprofessional as
yourself participate in discussions. I would not be
suprised if you started cussing out committee members.
Yeah. You have just described how trolls work. Look:
people have started to correct you and not me, and that
started the avalanche.

Well, I corrected you. But since you don't take correction
well, I've had to write a lot of posts. Now *that's* trolling!
Sure. That is why I said that do not waste our time with
trolling. We have to respond for a while to make sure
newbies will not be mislead and sleeping troll encouraged
by your fallacies.

I'm sure a veritable army of trolls was lurking in the
background, waiting for me, their troll leader, to sound the
charge so they could flood the newsgroup. It is only by
your brave resistance that my efforts have been thwarted!
Then we might killfile or ignore you if it seems to be
hopeless to make you think.

Oh, waaah! You might ignore me!! Then what will I do?
I'll tell you what: I'll do a little dance...make a little love...
get down tonite! Ok, maybe I won't go that far, though
it might be cause for celebration all the same.
Keeping the topicality of the group is not off-topic. And no,
I am rather not, but I go in the order as posts show up and I
feel that it is also my responsibility to keep this group on-topic.
So it is yours.

I think you should appoint Kevin as the "official" moderator.
He can at least manage to get his point across without swearing
like a 1337 h@x0r punk. I gotta give him props for that.
I read that too. But it starts to hit me that you actually
suggest that people who want to discuss the C++ language
in peace here should go away and that off-topic ranters and
trolls stay. Do you see the Fe in it?

No, I suggest that the people who want to discuss the C++
language here should realize that you can't moderate an
unmoderated group. So for your own sanity, chill out a
little and let the world be imperfect now and then. It will
continue turning if a few off-topic posts slip through the
Means you are successfull in trolling?

Thanks to you! ;)
Yes. But unfortunately in addition to this you have stated
that all ANSI standards are topical here.

LOL!!! I think it's quite a stretch to draw that conclusion,
but you seem to be prone to drawing tenuous conclusions.
It's amazing what doctrines you have pulled out of a 5-line
paragraph. You have managed to conclude that:

1) I am a conservative or
2) I am an anarchist
3) My purpose here is to troll and cause anarchy
4) I think all ANSI standards are topical here
5) I think that color output is defined in ANSI C++
6) I want to liberalize the newsgroup guidelines
7) I think that ANSI terminals are entirely on-topic

In a few more posts, I expect you to blame me for the
holocaust and violence in society, based on my definitive
5-line paragraph.
If you have less time to answer interesting questions,
whose fault is that?


Mr. Matthews and Mr. Goodsell seem to have moved on.
Apparently, they're less fixated with pointing fingers than
they are with talking about C++.
No. Stating obvious bullshit as truth does.
It is the definition of trolling. "color isn't defined in ANSI C++"? How about
"not all terminals display color"? I've seen a lot of "obvious
bs" stated here, not by me, and yet I seem to be the only
troll. Funny how that works.
Starting flame wars with such a flame bait does.

Well, you're the only one here engaged in a flame war.
How Mr. Goodsell and Mr. Matthews managed to avoid
that while you couldn't, I'm not sure. But obviously, it isn't
just about me.
The answer I gave *was* short, you gave no redirection,
and I never said it was on-topic.

David:"No, but C++ is defined by an ANSI standard, it
defines behaviour when outputting to a "C++ console", and
ANSI defines how to make a console render text in different
colors. So in a roundabout way, I don't think it's entirely

Short? Not rtue.

8 lines of text not counting blank lines or my signature is
not "short"?? What do you think is short? 1 line?
Never said it was on-topic? Not true.

No, I didn't. I said "I don't think it's entirely off-topic".
That is entirely different from saying it is "on-topic". Or
perhaps you think topicality is a binary measure.
WW:"Please post this question to a programming
newsgroup dedicated to your platform."

I never gave a redirection? Not true.

A redirection to where? What if the OP doesn't even
know where to find a newsgroup dedicated to his
platform? What if you asked a traffic cop for directions
to the store, and he told you: "Go in the direction of
the place that sells things." Would you call that a
successful "redirection"?
Apparently I do know.

Then you simply don't understand the notion of
Ask yourself if any of your posts might fall into that
category, and then ask yourself if you are being "part
of the problem or part of the solution".

Unlike you I do that vefore I post.

I would be quite suprised if anyone were to come here
and see your posts and decide: "Wow. I like this group
because Attila makes sure all the posts are on-topic."
Rather, I would expect that many people come here
and say: "I'm not going to go there, because that White
Wolf might bite my head off."
They read c.l.c++.m, like you should, if you only want to
see topical messages.

I am sorry, but since when do you decide what do I read?

Since when did I decide what you read? I gave you a helpful
suggestion, but you don't seem to understand what those are.
I defy you to show how I "encouraged" off-topic threads.

Think. It might be unusual thing to do but believe me it is
worth of it.

Oh, well when you put it that way, it's obvious that you were
right and I was wrong. Man, you're a good debater!


David B. Held

WW said:
Really? So you tell them about ANSI terminals, which are
not in the standard.

I never implied that they were.
BTW I see you have afound new trolling tactics: take things
out of context.

I don't think I've taken anything out of context unfairly.
Making a mistake (if I did) is not as evil as driving a
newsgroup deliberately off-topic and then keep trolling
around as you do.

Actually, you're the one that has contributed the most to
your little flame war.
Yes. Tipical respons to a troll. The trolls' sole purpose in
life is to create flame.

Considering the amount of flame you have created, it hardly
seems reasonable to not call you a troll.
And the troll uses flame baits (obviously wrong or stupid
things, like telling that ANSI terminals are in the realm of
the standard C++) to achieve that.

Still haven't shown where I said that.
Just like you. How interesting.

Is putting words into people's mouths "flame bait"? Because
you've done that several times now. How that does not
make you a troll is beyond my capability to comprehend.
You have not yet seen me frustrated. That little suggestion
above was the first sign of me completely giving up on you
since your stonehead is unable to grasp even the simplest
idea - doesn't matter how many tells it to you.

I see. And which "simplest idea" would that be?
Feel yourself killfiled.

Please pause while I observe a moment of mourning. How
will I ever recover from this devastating psychological
trauma? We'll see if this is a bluff or not, I suppose.



David B. Held wrote:
[trolling SNIPPED]

Does ignoring that he is ignored make an ignorant an ignoramus? Forget it.

I did not yet put you into my killfile to see if you still keep bashing me
behind my back as your last and most abject resort. You do. That put you
in place in my world had I have any doubts before. So long and thanks for
all the fish!


David B. Held wrote:
[trolling SNIPPED]

Does ignoring that he is ignored make an ignorant an ignoramus? Forget it.

I did not yet put you into my killfile to see if you still keep bashing me
behind my back as your last and most abject resort. You do. That put you
in place in my world had I have any doubts before. So long and thanks for
all the fish!

David B. Held

WW said:
I did not yet put you into my killfile to see if you still keep
bashing me behind my back as your last and most abject

LOL!!! When you reply to provocative comments, it's a
valiant defense of newsgroup guidelines, no matter how
profane. When I do it, it's a "last and most abject resort"!
How very melodramatic.
You do. That put you in place in my world had I have
any doubts before. So long and thanks for all the fish!

Wolves eat fish? Do the dolphins know that?



Alexander said:
You lost.

No, I did not. There is more to it Alexander than what you can grasp. But
I was sure that as David has already woke up some sleeping trolls that you
will jump in here as well. You know to loose you need to loose something.
I did not loose my etchics to bash someone behind his back when I think he
has killfiled me. David did. If anyone lost it was the group thanks to the
numerous trolls who will use David's fallacies to have some more arguments
to justify their idiotic behavior.

Karl Heinz Buchegger

Teeyester said:
So I shall heed his advise and respectfully ....go away .....

No. You should not go away.
But you should learn what's in the standard language and what's not. In this
newsgroup we discuss the standard language only: Things that are the same on whatever
compiler you use (minus compiler bugs of course :)

Basically what's off topic:

Everything dealing with hardware. The standard language doesn't deal with
that and you will always have to use extensions which are available on
your specific system only. This includes eg:

monitor or screen control
controlling the cursor
clearing the screen (a very popular question)
parallel connections
serial connections

The other big group are platform specific questions, as in:

how do I figure out the amount of memory
how to control paging or swapping
how to read a directory (while the standard contains a rudimentary
concept of a file, all bets are off if we talk about directories)


Alexander said:
WW wrote:
No, I did not.

Wanna have a link on denial? ;-)

Wanna have a link on how to stop trolling? BTW taking a 4 words sentence
out of the 94 words context is just as good for trolling as David's "I was
just joking if you have proved I was wrong but otherwise I was right"

Anyways why I am talking to you. I don't have to prove anything to you -
esp. because I know you don't give a damn you are just here for another
action in your "how can we humiliate others" game.

Alexander Terekhov

WW wrote:
Wanna have a link on how to stop trolling?

Yep, I'll really appreciate it.

[snip whining]
I know you don't give a damn you are just here for another
action in your "how can we humiliate others" game.

Uhmm, shall I take it that I made you feel humiliated?



Alexander said:
WW wrote:
Wanna have a link on how to stop trolling?

Yep, I'll really appreciate it.

[snip whining]
I know you don't give a damn you are just here for another
action in your "how can we humiliate others" game.

Uhmm, shall I take it that I made you feel humiliated?

Only most of the time.

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