convert Vbscript to Perl code



Uri said:
i made myself the lord of this group. i have all the power to make
your code into python! i fart on your codebase. may your children
become cobol programmers!!

And you really have nothing better to do? I mean, one person make a
comment, of which any reader has the right to do, and you basically do
everything in your power to try to destroy them, despite the validity of
their post. According to, you have been acting as the
attack dog for others whose ethics (or lack there of) get questioned.
How does it feel to be a mindless drone who cannot see past the
idle-like view of those they routinely defend.

Uri Guttman

tp> And you really have nothing better to do? I mean, one person make a
tp> comment, of which any reader has the right to do, and you basically do
tp> everything in your power to try to destroy them, despite the validity of
tp> their post. According to, you have been acting as the
tp> attack dog for others whose ethics (or lack there of) get questioned.
tp> How does it feel to be a mindless drone who cannot see past the
tp> idle-like view of those they routinely defend.

i am the mindless drone of your nightmare. please put yourself on the
line of fools forming to the right ----------->

anonymity is another way to make yourself ignored. cowards have no
rights to attack others. this is not a court of law or where you need to
be in the witless (sic) protection program. and the rule of not helping
with perl also stands. have you helped an old lady with her perl today?



Ted Zlatanov

i am the mindless drone of your nightmare. please put yourself on the
line of fools forming to the right ----------->

anonymity is another way to make yourself ignored. cowards have no
rights to attack others. this is not a court of law or where you need to
be in the witless (sic) protection program. and the rule of not helping
with perl also stands. have you helped an old lady with her perl today?

Uri, please stop flame-baiting and let this thread die (+killfile,
whatever works for you). You know better. This group is supposed to
be for technical discussions.



Uri said:
anonymity is another way to make yourself ignored. cowards have no
rights to attack others.

If you refer to the fact I choose not to display my email address, then
that is anyone's rught. With email harvesters and the likes, it should
not be surprising. If you wish to email me, just ask and I'll post
munged version of my email.

I do, however, use my real name, so I'm not truly anonymous.
this is not a court of law or where you need
to be in the witless (sic) protection program. and the rule of not
helping with perl also stands. have you helped an old lady with her

A rule you made up, and you are judging people on based on your own
ignorance. No one owns a group. Get over it.

It's clear to me you'll use any rational to form your arguments rather
then actually answering the original question about the posting conduct
of another poster. Questions of that type have always been allowed,
regardless of subject.

Uri Guttman

tp> If you refer to the fact I choose not to display my email address, then
tp> that is anyone's rught. With email harvesters and the likes, it should
tp> not be surprising. If you wish to email me, just ask and I'll post
tp> munged version of my email.

tp> I do, however, use my real name, so I'm not truly anonymous.

tp> A rule you made up, and you are judging people on based on your own
tp> ignorance. No one owns a group. Get over it.

tp> It's clear to me you'll use any rational to form your arguments rather
tp> then actually answering the original question about the posting conduct
tp> of another poster. Questions of that type have always been allowed,
tp> regardless of subject.



John Bokma

tony.p said:
If you refer to the fact I choose not to display my email address, then
that is anyone's rught.

Yes, but don't pick a tld you made up, even if it doesn't exist. So better
is: (e-mail address removed) (if you prefer to have the allspam there).


John said:
Yes, but don't pick a tld you made up, even if it doesn't exist. So
better is: (e-mail address removed) (if you prefer to have the allspam

Point taken, and thank you.

Mark Donovan

Wow! That was impressive! Someone whose immense intellectual prowess can be
summarized with a single eloquent phrase,

Vronans and Tony, I agree with you. There is a problem here. Abusive, rude
and offensive remarks are condoned with more rudeness, specious arguments,
and eloquent statements such as "HALAGAGALAGAGALALAGAGAGAGAALLLAA".

Mr. Bokma has set a high standard that explained the problem with Tony's
e-mail address respectfully and without sarcasm and abuse. Isn't it amazing
what a little common courtesy can achieve. Thank you, Mr. Bokma.

Mark Donovan

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