Probably because that's not its role. But it's an interesting
suggestion---it should be possible to define a manipulator which
skips using a predicate.
template < typename Pred >
istream& ignore( istream& s, Pred pred )
char c = 0;
while ( s.get( c ) && pred( c ) )
{ }
Which will extract one character too many. And you need either
something like:
template< typename Pred > std::istream& ignore( istream& s ) ;
for the interface, or the function should return some special
type, e.g.:
template< typename Pred >
Ignorer< Pred >
ignore( Pred p )
return Ignorer< Pred >( p ) ;
with the actual work being done in the >> operator of Ignorer<
Pred >.
Using a state-full predicate in the above would probably work
for that.
Not for the extended regular expressions of Boost. Those
require backtracking, and there's practically no way to
implement backtracking.
James Kanze (GABI Software) email:
[email protected]
Conseils en informatique orientée objet/
Beratung in objektorientierter Datenverarbeitung
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