Converting from char to integer value


Joona I Palaste

(Sig snipped)
Thank you Joana. I hope I'm right this time... Sorry about that..really
unaware about this.

You got the hang of posting right. Now you only need to snip away my
sig and stop calling me Joana. =)

/-- Joona Palaste ([email protected]) ---------------------------\
| Kingpriest of "The Flying Lemon Tree" G++ FR FW+ M- #108 D+ ADA N+++|
| W++ B OP+ |
\----------------------------------------- Finland rules! ------------/
"'It can be easily shown that' means 'I saw a proof of this once (which I didn't
understand) which I can no longer remember'."
- A maths teacher

Joe Wright

[ much snipping ]
You got the hang of posting right. Now you only need to snip away my
sig and stop calling me Joana. =)
Priceless! But pray tell, how shall we pronounce 'Joona'? Finnish has
none of the Indo-European roots we know and love. Palaste might be

Joona I Palaste

Joe Wright said:
Joona said:
[ much snipping ]
Thank you Joana. I hope I'm right this time... Sorry about that..really
unaware about this.

You got the hang of posting right. Now you only need to snip away my
sig and stop calling me Joana. =)
Priceless! But pray tell, how shall we pronounce 'Joona'? Finnish has
none of the Indo-European roots we know and love. Palaste might be

Joona is pronounced /jo:na/ if you can read ASCII-IPA. Spelled in
English pronunciation it would be something like "yaw-na". Palaste is
not Italian, it's a Finnish word, which is utterly devoid of meaning.
It was invented by my grandfather's brother in the period of the
Finnish-ising of names after World War II.

/-- Joona Palaste ([email protected]) ---------------------------\
| Kingpriest of "The Flying Lemon Tree" G++ FR FW+ M- #108 D+ ADA N+++|
| W++ B OP+ |
\----------------------------------------- Finland rules! ------------/
"Insanity is to be shared."
- Tailgunner

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