Converting VHDL to XML



Hi all,
I'm looking for a tool for converting VHDL entity information (ports,
generics) into XML, so I can integrate it in A Docbook document easily.
It seem that Quartus and Modelsim can do this (though undocumented in
Quartus), but I'm looking for a hardware design tool independent way
for doing this, most prefferably open source.
If anyone knows about a tool for automatic documentation (like Doxygen
for C) I would love to hear about. I know vhdldoc, but it only makes
HTML, and I really need XML.


Colin Marquardt

avishay said:
I'm looking for a tool for converting VHDL entity information (ports,
generics) into XML, so I can integrate it in A Docbook document easily. [...]
I know vhdldoc, but it only makes HTML, and I really need XML.

The hard part is the parsing which stays the same - it's probably
rather easy to modify vhdldoc so that it spits out XML instead of



This is not open source solution, but if you have access to ModelSim,
there is an option named -gen_xml that generates xml for your VHDL
entity. Use it as follows:

% vcom -gen_xml <entity name> <output file name>

You might roll your own generation tool with PERL package
Hardware::Vhdl::parser very easily.

-- Amal

Ira Baxter

avishay said:
Hi all,
I'm looking for a tool for converting VHDL entity information (ports,
generics) into XML, so I can integrate it in A Docbook document easily.
It seem that Quartus and Modelsim can do this (though undocumented in
Quartus), but I'm looking for a hardware design tool independent way
for doing this, most prefferably open source.
If anyone knows about a tool for automatic documentation (like Doxygen
for C) I would love to hear about. I know vhdldoc, but it only makes
HTML, and I really need XML.

We offer a VHDL parser that builds full ASTs.
It can export the AST of the VHDL file directly,
or it could be trivally customized to export just the parts
you want.

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