Copy characterdata from XML file to XML file

  • Thread starter Eric van Oorschot
  • Start date

Eric van Oorschot


I'm writing a Perl script that has to copy a block of data (nodes numbers
and coordinates) from one XML formatted file into another XML file.
I'm using XML::parser to extract the data and XML::Writer to write the
data into the second file.

This does not work, since some of the numbers are corrupted after being
read by XML::parser. Below I have copied a small bit that shows how the
data is corrupted. It always happens at the same line(s) of data.

67 2.9005093479606E+000 3.6637104002418E-001 7.9522656092442E-001
68 2.8852994122583E+000 3.5353599488296E-001 7.7516591265738E-001
69 2.9109259023248E+000 3.5272037818926E-001 8.1765470045
70 2.9014248453522E+000 3.4032368974452E-001 7.9417266267164E-001
71 2.8849923984542E+000 3.2706829720117E-001 7.7537618002780E-001

My Perl script (I am not an experienced Perl programmer) is shown below.
The error occurs in the sub 'ReadCharacterData'. In this subroutine the
data is read and copied into a hash %tables. When writing this hash in the
output file the error shown above is found.

If anyone has an idea, or needs more info, please reply.



use XML::parser;
use IO::File;
use Switch ;
use XML::Writer;

my $fmsfile = shift ; # fms output file
my $reffile = shift ; # Exchange output deck
my $outfile = shift ; # Output file

die "Cannot find fms output file \"$xmlfile\""
unless -f $fmsfile;

die "Cannot find xml input deck \"$reffile\""
unless -f $reffile;

my $output = new IO::File(">$outfile");
my $writer = new XML::Writer( OUTPUT => $output, UNSAFE => 1 );

# Find tmax in fms file
my $tmax = 0.00 ;
open ( IN, $fmsfile ) ;
while ( <IN> ) {
if ( /TIME/ ) {
( $dum, $dum, $dum, $ti ) = split /\s+/ ;
$tmax = $ti if ( $ti > $tmax ) ;
close (IN) ;

$tag = "";

my %tables ; # hash with coordinates from fms file
my $model ; # naam van het FE model
my $i = 0 ; #
# Readfile to create hash of the coordinate tables
my $parser = new XML::parser;

$parser->setHandlers( Char => \&ReadCharacterData,
Default => \&default);
print "Reading fms file ($fmsfile)\n" ; $parser->parsefile($fmsfile);

## Check info read in fms file
#foreach $i ( keys %tables ) {
# print "Table $i\n",$tables{$i},"\n End table $i\n\n";
# }

my $coords = 0 ;

# Read reffile and replace coordinate tables with data from fms file
my $bparser = new XML::parser;
$bparser->setHandlers( XMLDecl => \&XmlDecl,
Doctype => \&DocType,
Start => \&startElement,
End => \&endElement,
Char => \&characterData,
CdataStart => \&cdatastart,
CdataEnd => \&cdataend,
Default => \&default);
print "Reading ($reffile) and writing ($outfile) \n" ;

$writer->end() ;


sub XmlDecl {
my( $parseinst, $version, $encoding, $standalone ) = @_;
$writer->xmlDecl( $encoding, $standalone );

sub DocType {
my( $parseinst, $name, $sysid, $pub, $internal ) = @_;
$writer->doctype( $name, $pub, $sysid );

sub startElement {
# Reading xml data
my( $parseinst, $element, %attrs ) = @_;
if ($element eq "FE_MODEL") {
$model = $attrs{'NAME'} ;
$tag = "DEFINE";
# print "FE model $model\n" ;
last SWITCH;
if ($element eq "TABLE" && $attrs{'TYPE'} =~ /COORDINATE/ ) {
$coords = 1 ;
# print "$coords - TABLE COORDINATES\n" ;
last SWITCH ;
$writer -> startTag( $element , %attrs );

sub endElement {

my( $parseinst, $element ) = @_;
$coords = 0 ;
$writer -> endTag( $element ) ;

sub ReadCharacterData {
my( $parseinst, $data ) = @_;
if ( $data =~ /^\s*$/ ) {
last ;
if ( $data =~ /TIME/ ) {
( $dum, $dum, $dum, $ti ) = split /\s+/, $data ;
# print "Timepoint ", $ti, "\n" ;
last ;
} ;
if ( $data =~ /FE MODEL/ ) {
($dum, $dum, $dum, $dum, $dum ) = split /\s+/, $data ;
( $txt = $dum ) =~ s/\/.*\/// ; # strip system numbering
# print $txt, "\n" ;
$tables{$txt} = ' ' ;
last ;
} ;
if ( $ti == $tmax ) {
# print $data ;
$tables{$txt} .= $data . "\n" ;
last ;
} ;

sub characterData {
my( $parseinst, $data ) = @_;
if ( $writer->within_element('FE_MODEL') && $writer->within_element('TABLE') && $coords && $data != /^\s*$/ ) {
$writer -> characters ( $tables{$model} ) ;
$tables{$model} = ' ' ; #empty table
elsif ( ! $coords ) {
# print "Coords $coords : $data";
$writer -> characters( $data ) ;

sub cdatastart {
$writer -> raw( "<![CDATA[\n" );
sub cdataend {
$writer -> raw( "]]>\n" );
sub default {

# do nothing, but stay quiet


John Bokma

Eric van Oorschot said:

I'm writing a Perl script that has to copy a block of data (nodes
numbers and coordinates) from one XML formatted file into another XML
file. I'm using XML::parser to extract the data and XML::Writer to
write the data into the second file.

This does not work, since some of the numbers are corrupted after
being read by XML::parser. Below I have copied a small bit that shows
how the data is corrupted. It always happens at the same line(s) of

67 2.9005093479606E+000 3.6637104002418E-001 7.9522656092442E-001
68 2.8852994122583E+000 3.5353599488296E-001 7.7516591265738E-001
69 2.9109259023248E+000 3.5272037818926E-001 8.1765470045
70 2.9014248453522E+000 3.4032368974452E-001 7.9417266267164E-001
71 2.8849923984542E+000 3.2706829720117E-001 7.7537618002780E-001

Be aware that character data, as also stated in the documentation, is
*not* available in your handler in one big string. The handler might get
called several times. A quick glance showed me that you're not aware of
this / not doing it right. What you should do:

if an start element is found: reset the global string buffer
if char data is found: glue it to the global buffer
if an end element is found, process the global string buffer



Eric said:

I'm writing a Perl script that has to copy a block of data (nodes numbers
and coordinates) from one XML formatted file into another XML file.
I'm using XML::parser to extract the data and XML::Writer to write the
data into the second file.

This does not work, since some of the numbers are corrupted after being
read by XML::parser. Below I have copied a small bit that shows how the
data is corrupted. It always happens at the same line(s) of data.

67 2.9005093479606E+000 3.6637104002418E-001 7.9522656092442E-001
68 2.8852994122583E+000 3.5353599488296E-001 7.7516591265738E-001
69 2.9109259023248E+000 3.5272037818926E-001 8.1765470045
70 2.9014248453522E+000 3.4032368974452E-001 7.9417266267164E-001
71 2.8849923984542E+000 3.2706829720117E-001 7.7537618002780E-001

My Perl script (I am not an experienced Perl programmer) is shown below.
The error occurs in the sub 'ReadCharacterData'. In this subroutine the
data is read and copied into a hash %tables. When writing this hash in the
output file the error shown above is found.

If anyone has an idea, or needs more info, please reply.



use XML::parser;
use IO::File;
use Switch ;
use XML::Writer;

my $fmsfile = shift ; # fms output file
my $reffile = shift ; # Exchange output deck
my $outfile = shift ; # Output file

die "Cannot find fms output file \"$xmlfile\""
unless -f $fmsfile;

die "Cannot find xml input deck \"$reffile\""
unless -f $reffile;

my $output = new IO::File(">$outfile");
my $writer = new XML::Writer( OUTPUT => $output, UNSAFE => 1 );

# Find tmax in fms file
my $tmax = 0.00 ;
open ( IN, $fmsfile ) ;
while ( <IN> ) {
if ( /TIME/ ) {
( $dum, $dum, $dum, $ti ) = split /\s+/ ;
$tmax = $ti if ( $ti > $tmax ) ;
close (IN) ;

$tag = "";

my %tables ; # hash with coordinates from fms file
my $model ; # naam van het FE model
my $i = 0 ; #
# Readfile to create hash of the coordinate tables
my $parser = new XML::parser;

$parser->setHandlers( Char => \&ReadCharacterData,
Default => \&default);
print "Reading fms file ($fmsfile)\n" ; $parser->parsefile($fmsfile);

## Check info read in fms file
#foreach $i ( keys %tables ) {
# print "Table $i\n",$tables{$i},"\n End table $i\n\n";
# }

my $coords = 0 ;

# Read reffile and replace coordinate tables with data from fms file
my $bparser = new XML::parser;
$bparser->setHandlers( XMLDecl => \&XmlDecl,
Doctype => \&DocType,
Start => \&startElement,
End => \&endElement,
Char => \&characterData,
CdataStart => \&cdatastart,
CdataEnd => \&cdataend,
Default => \&default);
print "Reading ($reffile) and writing ($outfile) \n" ;

$writer->end() ;


sub XmlDecl {
my( $parseinst, $version, $encoding, $standalone ) = @_;
$writer->xmlDecl( $encoding, $standalone );

sub DocType {
my( $parseinst, $name, $sysid, $pub, $internal ) = @_;
$writer->doctype( $name, $pub, $sysid );

sub startElement {
# Reading xml data
my( $parseinst, $element, %attrs ) = @_;
if ($element eq "FE_MODEL") {
$model = $attrs{'NAME'} ;
$tag = "DEFINE";
# print "FE model $model\n" ;
last SWITCH;
if ($element eq "TABLE" && $attrs{'TYPE'} =~ /COORDINATE/ ) {
$coords = 1 ;
# print "$coords - TABLE COORDINATES\n" ;
last SWITCH ;
$writer -> startTag( $element , %attrs );

sub endElement {

my( $parseinst, $element ) = @_;
$coords = 0 ;
$writer -> endTag( $element ) ;

sub ReadCharacterData {
my( $parseinst, $data ) = @_;
if ( $data =~ /^\s*$/ ) {
last ;
if ( $data =~ /TIME/ ) {
( $dum, $dum, $dum, $ti ) = split /\s+/, $data ;
# print "Timepoint ", $ti, "\n" ;
last ;
} ;
if ( $data =~ /FE MODEL/ ) {
($dum, $dum, $dum, $dum, $dum ) = split /\s+/, $data ;
( $txt = $dum ) =~ s/\/.*\/// ; # strip system numbering
# print $txt, "\n" ;
$tables{$txt} = ' ' ;
last ;
} ;
if ( $ti == $tmax ) {
# print $data ;
$tables{$txt} .= $data . "\n" ;
last ;
} ;

sub characterData {
my( $parseinst, $data ) = @_;
if ( $writer->within_element('FE_MODEL') && $writer->within_element('TABLE') && $coords && $data != /^\s*$/ ) {
$writer -> characters ( $tables{$model} ) ;
$tables{$model} = ' ' ; #empty table
elsif ( ! $coords ) {
# print "Coords $coords : $data";
$writer -> characters( $data ) ;

sub cdatastart {
$writer -> raw( "<![CDATA[\n" );
sub cdataend {
$writer -> raw( "]]>\n" );
sub default {

# do nothing, but stay quiet


3rd try:
I agree with John Bokma. You have to have the start and end handlers as
Posibly something like this --

my $RD_xml = '';
my $last_content = '';
my $RD_xml = '';
my $special_tag = 0;

sub default_start_handler
my ($p, $element, %atts) = @_;
$element = uc($element);
$last_content = '';

## Check for start of singular tag data capture
## -----------------------------------------------
if ($element eq 'SPECIAL_TAG_ELEMENT')
{ $special_tag = 1; }

## Check for start of XML chunk data capture
## -----------------------------------------------
if ($element eq 'CAPTURE_ALL_OF_ME') {
$RD_xml = '';
$capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml = 1;
if ($capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml)
{ $RD_xml .= $p->original_string; }

sub default_content_handler
my ($p, $str) = @_;

## Use original for entities, incase reparse
## --------------------------------------------
$str = $p->original_string;

## Remove leading/trailing space, newline, tab
## if you want to do this now....
## -----------------------------------------------
$str =~ s/^[\x20\n\t]+//; $str =~ s/[\x20\n\t]+$//;

## Capture what is necessary. Last content is
## always captured by default
## -----------------------------------------------
if (length ($str) > 0) {
$last_content .= $str;
$RD_xml .= $str if ($capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml);

sub default_end_handler
my ($p, $element) = @_;
$element = uc($element);

## Handle singular capture of special tag data
## ---------------------------------------------
if ($element eq 'SPECIAL_TAG_ELEMENT') {
ProcessContent ($last_content) if ($special_tag);
$special_tag = 0;
$last_content = '';

## Handle larger capture XML chunks
## -----------------------------------
if ($element eq 'CAPTURE_ALL_OF_ME') {
if ($capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml) {
$RD_xml .= $p->original_string;
ProcessXmlChunk ($RD_xml);
$RD_xml = '';
$capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml = 0;


Eric said:

I'm writing a Perl script that has to copy a block of data (nodes numbers
and coordinates) from one XML formatted file into another XML file.
I'm using XML::parser to extract the data and XML::Writer to write the
data into the second file.

This does not work, since some of the numbers are corrupted after being
read by XML::parser. Below I have copied a small bit that shows how the
data is corrupted. It always happens at the same line(s) of data.

67 2.9005093479606E+000 3.6637104002418E-001 7.9522656092442E-001
68 2.8852994122583E+000 3.5353599488296E-001 7.7516591265738E-001
69 2.9109259023248E+000 3.5272037818926E-001 8.1765470045
70 2.9014248453522E+000 3.4032368974452E-001 7.9417266267164E-001
71 2.8849923984542E+000 3.2706829720117E-001 7.7537618002780E-001

My Perl script (I am not an experienced Perl programmer) is shown below.
The error occurs in the sub 'ReadCharacterData'. In this subroutine the
data is read and copied into a hash %tables. When writing this hash in the
output file the error shown above is found.

If anyone has an idea, or needs more info, please reply.



use XML::parser;
use IO::File;
use Switch ;
use XML::Writer;

my $fmsfile = shift ; # fms output file
my $reffile = shift ; # Exchange output deck
my $outfile = shift ; # Output file

die "Cannot find fms output file \"$xmlfile\""
unless -f $fmsfile;

die "Cannot find xml input deck \"$reffile\""
unless -f $reffile;

my $output = new IO::File(">$outfile");
my $writer = new XML::Writer( OUTPUT => $output, UNSAFE => 1 );

# Find tmax in fms file
my $tmax = 0.00 ;
open ( IN, $fmsfile ) ;
while ( <IN> ) {
if ( /TIME/ ) {
( $dum, $dum, $dum, $ti ) = split /\s+/ ;
$tmax = $ti if ( $ti > $tmax ) ;
close (IN) ;

$tag = "";

my %tables ; # hash with coordinates from fms file
my $model ; # naam van het FE model
my $i = 0 ; #
# Readfile to create hash of the coordinate tables
my $parser = new XML::parser;

$parser->setHandlers( Char => \&ReadCharacterData,
Default => \&default);
print "Reading fms file ($fmsfile)\n" ; $parser->parsefile($fmsfile);

## Check info read in fms file
#foreach $i ( keys %tables ) {
# print "Table $i\n",$tables{$i},"\n End table $i\n\n";
# }

my $coords = 0 ;

# Read reffile and replace coordinate tables with data from fms file
my $bparser = new XML::parser;
$bparser->setHandlers( XMLDecl => \&XmlDecl,
Doctype => \&DocType,
Start => \&startElement,
End => \&endElement,
Char => \&characterData,
CdataStart => \&cdatastart,
CdataEnd => \&cdataend,
Default => \&default);
print "Reading ($reffile) and writing ($outfile) \n" ;

$writer->end() ;


sub XmlDecl {
my( $parseinst, $version, $encoding, $standalone ) = @_;
$writer->xmlDecl( $encoding, $standalone );

sub DocType {
my( $parseinst, $name, $sysid, $pub, $internal ) = @_;
$writer->doctype( $name, $pub, $sysid );

sub startElement {
# Reading xml data
my( $parseinst, $element, %attrs ) = @_;
if ($element eq "FE_MODEL") {
$model = $attrs{'NAME'} ;
$tag = "DEFINE";
# print "FE model $model\n" ;
last SWITCH;
if ($element eq "TABLE" && $attrs{'TYPE'} =~ /COORDINATE/ ) {
$coords = 1 ;
# print "$coords - TABLE COORDINATES\n" ;
last SWITCH ;
$writer -> startTag( $element , %attrs );

sub endElement {

my( $parseinst, $element ) = @_;
$coords = 0 ;
$writer -> endTag( $element ) ;

sub ReadCharacterData {
my( $parseinst, $data ) = @_;
if ( $data =~ /^\s*$/ ) {
last ;
if ( $data =~ /TIME/ ) {
( $dum, $dum, $dum, $ti ) = split /\s+/, $data ;
# print "Timepoint ", $ti, "\n" ;
last ;
} ;
if ( $data =~ /FE MODEL/ ) {
($dum, $dum, $dum, $dum, $dum ) = split /\s+/, $data ;
( $txt = $dum ) =~ s/\/.*\/// ; # strip system numbering
# print $txt, "\n" ;
$tables{$txt} = ' ' ;
last ;
} ;
if ( $ti == $tmax ) {
# print $data ;
$tables{$txt} .= $data . "\n" ;
last ;
} ;

sub characterData {
my( $parseinst, $data ) = @_;
if ( $writer->within_element('FE_MODEL') && $writer->within_element('TABLE') && $coords && $data != /^\s*$/ ) {
$writer -> characters ( $tables{$model} ) ;
$tables{$model} = ' ' ; #empty table
elsif ( ! $coords ) {
# print "Coords $coords : $data";
$writer -> characters( $data ) ;

sub cdatastart {
$writer -> raw( "<![CDATA[\n" );
sub cdataend {
$writer -> raw( "]]>\n" );
sub default {

# do nothing, but stay quiet


I have to agree with John Bokma, get a better strategy
for capturing content data. Separate the processing
from the event handling as much as possible.
You can't rely upon parsing, nor the parser to
return content as in the source form. And you can't
really tell where content data begins and ends
without processing start and end events as well.

Print out the xml with indents so you can visually
see what is being sent to the handlers. A form
like this may help -

my $RD_xml = '';
my $last_content = '';
my $RD_xml = '';
my $special_tag = 0;

sub default_start_handler
my ($p, $element, %atts) = @_;
$element = uc($element);
$last_content = '';

## Check for start of singular tag data capture
## -----------------------------------------------
if ($element eq 'SPECIAL_TAG_ELEMENT')
{ $special_tag = 1; }

## Check for start of XML chunk data capture
## -----------------------------------------------
if ($element eq 'CAPTURE_ALL_OF_ME') {
$RD_xml = '';
$capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml = 1;
if ($capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml)
{ $RD_xml .= $p->original_string; }

sub default_content_handler
my ($p, $str) = @_;

## Use original for entities, incase reparse
## --------------------------------------------
$str = $p->original_string;

## Remove leading/trailing space, newline, tab
## if you want to do this now....
## -----------------------------------------------
$str =~ s/^[\x20\n\t]+//; $str =~ s/[\x20\n\t]+$//;

## Capture what is necessary. Last content is
## always captured by default
## -----------------------------------------------
if (length ($str) > 0) {
$last_content .= $str;
$RD_xml .= $str if ($capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml);

sub default_end_handler
my ($p, $element) = @_;
$element = uc($element);

## Handle singular capture of special tag data
## ---------------------------------------------
if ($element eq 'SPECIAL_TAG_ELEMENT') {
ProcessContent ($last_content) if ($special_tag);
$special_tag = 0;
$last_content = '';

## Handle larger capture XML chunks
## -----------------------------------
if ($element eq 'CAPTURE_ALL_OF_ME') {
if ($capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml) {
$RD_xml .= $p->original_string;
ProcessXmlChunk ($RD_xml);
$RD_xml = '';
$capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml = 0;


Eric said:

I'm writing a Perl script that has to copy a block of data (nodes numbers
and coordinates) from one XML formatted file into another XML file.
I'm using XML::parser to extract the data and XML::Writer to write the
data into the second file.

This does not work, since some of the numbers are corrupted after being
read by XML::parser. Below I have copied a small bit that shows how the
data is corrupted. It always happens at the same line(s) of data.

67 2.9005093479606E+000 3.6637104002418E-001 7.9522656092442E-001
68 2.8852994122583E+000 3.5353599488296E-001 7.7516591265738E-001
69 2.9109259023248E+000 3.5272037818926E-001 8.1765470045
70 2.9014248453522E+000 3.4032368974452E-001 7.9417266267164E-001
71 2.8849923984542E+000 3.2706829720117E-001 7.7537618002780E-001

My Perl script (I am not an experienced Perl programmer) is shown below.
The error occurs in the sub 'ReadCharacterData'. In this subroutine the
data is read and copied into a hash %tables. When writing this hash in the
output file the error shown above is found.

If anyone has an idea, or needs more info, please reply.



use XML::parser;
use IO::File;
use Switch ;
use XML::Writer;

my $fmsfile = shift ; # fms output file
my $reffile = shift ; # Exchange output deck
my $outfile = shift ; # Output file

die "Cannot find fms output file \"$xmlfile\""
unless -f $fmsfile;

die "Cannot find xml input deck \"$reffile\""
unless -f $reffile;

my $output = new IO::File(">$outfile");
my $writer = new XML::Writer( OUTPUT => $output, UNSAFE => 1 );

# Find tmax in fms file
my $tmax = 0.00 ;
open ( IN, $fmsfile ) ;
while ( <IN> ) {
if ( /TIME/ ) {
( $dum, $dum, $dum, $ti ) = split /\s+/ ;
$tmax = $ti if ( $ti > $tmax ) ;
close (IN) ;

$tag = "";

my %tables ; # hash with coordinates from fms file
my $model ; # naam van het FE model
my $i = 0 ; #
# Readfile to create hash of the coordinate tables
my $parser = new XML::parser;

$parser->setHandlers( Char => \&ReadCharacterData,
Default => \&default);
print "Reading fms file ($fmsfile)\n" ; $parser->parsefile($fmsfile);

## Check info read in fms file
#foreach $i ( keys %tables ) {
# print "Table $i\n",$tables{$i},"\n End table $i\n\n";
# }

my $coords = 0 ;

# Read reffile and replace coordinate tables with data from fms file
my $bparser = new XML::parser;
$bparser->setHandlers( XMLDecl => \&XmlDecl,
Doctype => \&DocType,
Start => \&startElement,
End => \&endElement,
Char => \&characterData,
CdataStart => \&cdatastart,
CdataEnd => \&cdataend,
Default => \&default);
print "Reading ($reffile) and writing ($outfile) \n" ;

$writer->end() ;


sub XmlDecl {
my( $parseinst, $version, $encoding, $standalone ) = @_;
$writer->xmlDecl( $encoding, $standalone );

sub DocType {
my( $parseinst, $name, $sysid, $pub, $internal ) = @_;
$writer->doctype( $name, $pub, $sysid );

sub startElement {
# Reading xml data
my( $parseinst, $element, %attrs ) = @_;
if ($element eq "FE_MODEL") {
$model = $attrs{'NAME'} ;
$tag = "DEFINE";
# print "FE model $model\n" ;
last SWITCH;
if ($element eq "TABLE" && $attrs{'TYPE'} =~ /COORDINATE/ ) {
$coords = 1 ;
# print "$coords - TABLE COORDINATES\n" ;
last SWITCH ;
$writer -> startTag( $element , %attrs );

sub endElement {

my( $parseinst, $element ) = @_;
$coords = 0 ;
$writer -> endTag( $element ) ;

sub ReadCharacterData {
my( $parseinst, $data ) = @_;
if ( $data =~ /^\s*$/ ) {
last ;
if ( $data =~ /TIME/ ) {
( $dum, $dum, $dum, $ti ) = split /\s+/, $data ;
# print "Timepoint ", $ti, "\n" ;
last ;
} ;
if ( $data =~ /FE MODEL/ ) {
($dum, $dum, $dum, $dum, $dum ) = split /\s+/, $data ;
( $txt = $dum ) =~ s/\/.*\/// ; # strip system numbering
# print $txt, "\n" ;
$tables{$txt} = ' ' ;
last ;
} ;
if ( $ti == $tmax ) {
# print $data ;
$tables{$txt} .= $data . "\n" ;
last ;
} ;

sub characterData {
my( $parseinst, $data ) = @_;
if ( $writer->within_element('FE_MODEL') && $writer->within_element('TABLE') && $coords && $data != /^\s*$/ ) {
$writer -> characters ( $tables{$model} ) ;
$tables{$model} = ' ' ; #empty table
elsif ( ! $coords ) {
# print "Coords $coords : $data";
$writer -> characters( $data ) ;

sub cdatastart {
$writer -> raw( "<![CDATA[\n" );
sub cdataend {
$writer -> raw( "]]>\n" );
sub default {

# do nothing, but stay quiet


I have to agree with John Bokma, get a better strategy
for capturing content data. Separate the processing
from the event handling as much as possible.
You can't rely upon parsing, nor the parser to
return content as in the source form. And you can't
really tell where content data begins and ends
without processing start and end events as well.

Print out the xml with indents so you can visually
see what is being sent to the handlers. A form
like this may help -

my $RD_xml = '';
my $last_content = '';
my $RD_xml = '';
my $special_tag = 0;

sub default_start_handler
my ($p, $element, %atts) = @_;
$element = uc($element);
$last_content = '';

## Check for start of singular tag data capture
## -----------------------------------------------
if ($element eq 'SPECIAL_TAG_ELEMENT')
{ $special_tag = 1; }

## Check for start of XML chunk data capture
## -----------------------------------------------
if ($element eq 'CAPTURE_ALL_OF_ME') {
$RD_xml = '';
$capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml = 1;
if ($capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml)
{ $RD_xml .= $p->original_string; }

sub default_content_handler
my ($p, $str) = @_;

## Use original for entities, incase reparse
## --------------------------------------------
$str = $p->original_string;

## Remove leading/trailing space, newline, tab
## if you want to do this now....
## -----------------------------------------------
$str =~ s/^[\x20\n\t]+//; $str =~ s/[\x20\n\t]+$//;

## Capture what is necessary. Last content is
## always captured by default
## -----------------------------------------------
if (length ($str) > 0) {
$last_content .= $str;
$RD_xml .= $str if ($capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml);

sub default_end_handler
my ($p, $element) = @_;
$element = uc($element);

## Handle singular capture of special tag data
## ---------------------------------------------
if ($element eq 'SPECIAL_TAG_ELEMENT') {
ProcessContent ($last_content) if ($special_tag);
$special_tag = 0;
$last_content = '';

## Handle larger capture XML chunks
## -----------------------------------
if ($element eq 'CAPTURE_ALL_OF_ME') {
if ($capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml) {
$RD_xml .= $p->original_string;
ProcessXmlChunk ($RD_xml);
$RD_xml = '';
$capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml = 0;


Eric said:

I'm writing a Perl script that has to copy a block of data (nodes numbers
and coordinates) from one XML formatted file into another XML file.
I'm using XML::parser to extract the data and XML::Writer to write the
data into the second file.

This does not work, since some of the numbers are corrupted after being
read by XML::parser. Below I have copied a small bit that shows how the
data is corrupted. It always happens at the same line(s) of data.

67 2.9005093479606E+000 3.6637104002418E-001 7.9522656092442E-001
68 2.8852994122583E+000 3.5353599488296E-001 7.7516591265738E-001
69 2.9109259023248E+000 3.5272037818926E-001 8.1765470045
70 2.9014248453522E+000 3.4032368974452E-001 7.9417266267164E-001
71 2.8849923984542E+000 3.2706829720117E-001 7.7537618002780E-001

My Perl script (I am not an experienced Perl programmer) is shown below.
The error occurs in the sub 'ReadCharacterData'. In this subroutine the
data is read and copied into a hash %tables. When writing this hash in the
output file the error shown above is found.

If anyone has an idea, or needs more info, please reply.



use XML::parser;
use IO::File;
use Switch ;
use XML::Writer;

my $fmsfile = shift ; # fms output file
my $reffile = shift ; # Exchange output deck
my $outfile = shift ; # Output file

die "Cannot find fms output file \"$xmlfile\""
unless -f $fmsfile;

die "Cannot find xml input deck \"$reffile\""
unless -f $reffile;

my $output = new IO::File(">$outfile");
my $writer = new XML::Writer( OUTPUT => $output, UNSAFE => 1 );

# Find tmax in fms file
my $tmax = 0.00 ;
open ( IN, $fmsfile ) ;
while ( <IN> ) {
if ( /TIME/ ) {
( $dum, $dum, $dum, $ti ) = split /\s+/ ;
$tmax = $ti if ( $ti > $tmax ) ;
close (IN) ;

$tag = "";

my %tables ; # hash with coordinates from fms file
my $model ; # naam van het FE model
my $i = 0 ; #
# Readfile to create hash of the coordinate tables
my $parser = new XML::parser;

$parser->setHandlers( Char => \&ReadCharacterData,
Default => \&default);
print "Reading fms file ($fmsfile)\n" ; $parser->parsefile($fmsfile);

## Check info read in fms file
#foreach $i ( keys %tables ) {
# print "Table $i\n",$tables{$i},"\n End table $i\n\n";
# }

my $coords = 0 ;

# Read reffile and replace coordinate tables with data from fms file
my $bparser = new XML::parser;
$bparser->setHandlers( XMLDecl => \&XmlDecl,
Doctype => \&DocType,
Start => \&startElement,
End => \&endElement,
Char => \&characterData,
CdataStart => \&cdatastart,
CdataEnd => \&cdataend,
Default => \&default);
print "Reading ($reffile) and writing ($outfile) \n" ;

$writer->end() ;


sub XmlDecl {
my( $parseinst, $version, $encoding, $standalone ) = @_;
$writer->xmlDecl( $encoding, $standalone );

sub DocType {
my( $parseinst, $name, $sysid, $pub, $internal ) = @_;
$writer->doctype( $name, $pub, $sysid );

sub startElement {
# Reading xml data
my( $parseinst, $element, %attrs ) = @_;
if ($element eq "FE_MODEL") {
$model = $attrs{'NAME'} ;
$tag = "DEFINE";
# print "FE model $model\n" ;
last SWITCH;
if ($element eq "TABLE" && $attrs{'TYPE'} =~ /COORDINATE/ ) {
$coords = 1 ;
# print "$coords - TABLE COORDINATES\n" ;
last SWITCH ;
$writer -> startTag( $element , %attrs );

sub endElement {

my( $parseinst, $element ) = @_;
$coords = 0 ;
$writer -> endTag( $element ) ;

sub ReadCharacterData {
my( $parseinst, $data ) = @_;
if ( $data =~ /^\s*$/ ) {
last ;
if ( $data =~ /TIME/ ) {
( $dum, $dum, $dum, $ti ) = split /\s+/, $data ;
# print "Timepoint ", $ti, "\n" ;
last ;
} ;
if ( $data =~ /FE MODEL/ ) {
($dum, $dum, $dum, $dum, $dum ) = split /\s+/, $data ;
( $txt = $dum ) =~ s/\/.*\/// ; # strip system numbering
# print $txt, "\n" ;
$tables{$txt} = ' ' ;
last ;
} ;
if ( $ti == $tmax ) {
# print $data ;
$tables{$txt} .= $data . "\n" ;
last ;
} ;

sub characterData {
my( $parseinst, $data ) = @_;
if ( $writer->within_element('FE_MODEL') && $writer->within_element('TABLE') && $coords && $data != /^\s*$/ ) {
$writer -> characters ( $tables{$model} ) ;
$tables{$model} = ' ' ; #empty table
elsif ( ! $coords ) {
# print "Coords $coords : $data";
$writer -> characters( $data ) ;

sub cdatastart {
$writer -> raw( "<![CDATA[\n" );
sub cdataend {
$writer -> raw( "]]>\n" );
sub default {

# do nothing, but stay quiet


2nd try to send.
I agree with John Bokma, you need the start and end handlers as well.
Something like this --

my $RD_xml = '';
my $last_content = '';
my $RD_xml = '';
my $special_tag = 0;

sub default_start_handler
my ($p, $element, %atts) = @_;
$element = uc($element);
$last_content = '';

## Check for start of singular tag data capture
## -----------------------------------------------
if ($element eq 'SPECIAL_TAG_ELEMENT')
{ $special_tag = 1; }

## Check for start of XML chunk data capture
## -----------------------------------------------
if ($element eq 'CAPTURE_ALL_OF_ME') {
$RD_xml = '';
$capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml = 1;
if ($capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml)
{ $RD_xml .= $p->original_string; }

sub default_content_handler
my ($p, $str) = @_;

## Use original for entities, incase reparse
## --------------------------------------------
$str = $p->original_string;

## Remove leading/trailing space, newline, tab
## if you want to do this now....
## -----------------------------------------------
$str =~ s/^[\x20\n\t]+//; $str =~ s/[\x20\n\t]+$//;

## Capture what is necessary. Last content is
## always captured by default
## -----------------------------------------------
if (length ($str) > 0) {
$last_content .= $str;
$RD_xml .= $str if ($capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml);

sub default_end_handler
my ($p, $element) = @_;
$element = uc($element);

## Handle singular capture of special tag data
## ---------------------------------------------
if ($element eq 'SPECIAL_TAG_ELEMENT') {
ProcessContent ($last_content) if ($special_tag);
$special_tag = 0;
$last_content = '';

## Handle larger capture XML chunks
## -----------------------------------
if ($element eq 'CAPTURE_ALL_OF_ME') {
if ($capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml) {
$RD_xml .= $p->original_string;
ProcessXmlChunk ($RD_xml);
$RD_xml = '';
$capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml = 0;


Eric said:

I'm writing a Perl script that has to copy a block of data (nodes numbers
and coordinates) from one XML formatted file into another XML file.
I'm using XML::parser to extract the data and XML::Writer to write the
data into the second file.

This does not work, since some of the numbers are corrupted after being
read by XML::parser. Below I have copied a small bit that shows how the
data is corrupted. It always happens at the same line(s) of data.

67 2.9005093479606E+000 3.6637104002418E-001 7.9522656092442E-001
68 2.8852994122583E+000 3.5353599488296E-001 7.7516591265738E-001
69 2.9109259023248E+000 3.5272037818926E-001 8.1765470045
70 2.9014248453522E+000 3.4032368974452E-001 7.9417266267164E-001
71 2.8849923984542E+000 3.2706829720117E-001 7.7537618002780E-001

My Perl script (I am not an experienced Perl programmer) is shown below.
The error occurs in the sub 'ReadCharacterData'. In this subroutine the
data is read and copied into a hash %tables. When writing this hash in the
output file the error shown above is found.

If anyone has an idea, or needs more info, please reply.



use XML::parser;
use IO::File;
use Switch ;
use XML::Writer;

my $fmsfile = shift ; # fms output file
my $reffile = shift ; # Exchange output deck
my $outfile = shift ; # Output file

die "Cannot find fms output file \"$xmlfile\""
unless -f $fmsfile;

die "Cannot find xml input deck \"$reffile\""
unless -f $reffile;

my $output = new IO::File(">$outfile");
my $writer = new XML::Writer( OUTPUT => $output, UNSAFE => 1 );

# Find tmax in fms file
my $tmax = 0.00 ;
open ( IN, $fmsfile ) ;
while ( <IN> ) {
if ( /TIME/ ) {
( $dum, $dum, $dum, $ti ) = split /\s+/ ;
$tmax = $ti if ( $ti > $tmax ) ;
close (IN) ;

$tag = "";

my %tables ; # hash with coordinates from fms file
my $model ; # naam van het FE model
my $i = 0 ; #
# Readfile to create hash of the coordinate tables
my $parser = new XML::parser;

$parser->setHandlers( Char => \&ReadCharacterData,
Default => \&default);
print "Reading fms file ($fmsfile)\n" ; $parser->parsefile($fmsfile);

## Check info read in fms file
#foreach $i ( keys %tables ) {
# print "Table $i\n",$tables{$i},"\n End table $i\n\n";
# }

my $coords = 0 ;

# Read reffile and replace coordinate tables with data from fms file
my $bparser = new XML::parser;
$bparser->setHandlers( XMLDecl => \&XmlDecl,
Doctype => \&DocType,
Start => \&startElement,
End => \&endElement,
Char => \&characterData,
CdataStart => \&cdatastart,
CdataEnd => \&cdataend,
Default => \&default);
print "Reading ($reffile) and writing ($outfile) \n" ;

$writer->end() ;


sub XmlDecl {
my( $parseinst, $version, $encoding, $standalone ) = @_;
$writer->xmlDecl( $encoding, $standalone );

sub DocType {
my( $parseinst, $name, $sysid, $pub, $internal ) = @_;
$writer->doctype( $name, $pub, $sysid );

sub startElement {
# Reading xml data
my( $parseinst, $element, %attrs ) = @_;
if ($element eq "FE_MODEL") {
$model = $attrs{'NAME'} ;
$tag = "DEFINE";
# print "FE model $model\n" ;
last SWITCH;
if ($element eq "TABLE" && $attrs{'TYPE'} =~ /COORDINATE/ ) {
$coords = 1 ;
# print "$coords - TABLE COORDINATES\n" ;
last SWITCH ;
$writer -> startTag( $element , %attrs );

sub endElement {

my( $parseinst, $element ) = @_;
$coords = 0 ;
$writer -> endTag( $element ) ;

sub ReadCharacterData {
my( $parseinst, $data ) = @_;
if ( $data =~ /^\s*$/ ) {
last ;
if ( $data =~ /TIME/ ) {
( $dum, $dum, $dum, $ti ) = split /\s+/, $data ;
# print "Timepoint ", $ti, "\n" ;
last ;
} ;
if ( $data =~ /FE MODEL/ ) {
($dum, $dum, $dum, $dum, $dum ) = split /\s+/, $data ;
( $txt = $dum ) =~ s/\/.*\/// ; # strip system numbering
# print $txt, "\n" ;
$tables{$txt} = ' ' ;
last ;
} ;
if ( $ti == $tmax ) {
# print $data ;
$tables{$txt} .= $data . "\n" ;
last ;
} ;

sub characterData {
my( $parseinst, $data ) = @_;
if ( $writer->within_element('FE_MODEL') && $writer->within_element('TABLE') && $coords && $data != /^\s*$/ ) {
$writer -> characters ( $tables{$model} ) ;
$tables{$model} = ' ' ; #empty table
elsif ( ! $coords ) {
# print "Coords $coords : $data";
$writer -> characters( $data ) ;

sub cdatastart {
$writer -> raw( "<![CDATA[\n" );
sub cdataend {
$writer -> raw( "]]>\n" );
sub default {

# do nothing, but stay quiet


2nd try to send.
I agree with John Bokma, you need the start and end handlers as well.
Something like this --

my $RD_xml = '';
my $last_content = '';
my $RD_xml = '';
my $special_tag = 0;

sub default_start_handler
my ($p, $element, %atts) = @_;
$element = uc($element);
$last_content = '';

## Check for start of singular tag data capture
## -----------------------------------------------
if ($element eq 'SPECIAL_TAG_ELEMENT')
{ $special_tag = 1; }

## Check for start of XML chunk data capture
## -----------------------------------------------
if ($element eq 'CAPTURE_ALL_OF_ME') {
$RD_xml = '';
$capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml = 1;
if ($capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml)
{ $RD_xml .= $p->original_string; }

sub default_content_handler
my ($p, $str) = @_;

## Use original for entities, incase reparse
## --------------------------------------------
$str = $p->original_string;

## Remove leading/trailing space, newline, tab
## if you want to do this now....
## -----------------------------------------------
$str =~ s/^[\x20\n\t]+//; $str =~ s/[\x20\n\t]+$//;

## Capture what is necessary. Last content is
## always captured by default
## -----------------------------------------------
if (length ($str) > 0) {
$last_content .= $str;
$RD_xml .= $str if ($capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml);

sub default_end_handler
my ($p, $element) = @_;
$element = uc($element);

## Handle singular capture of special tag data
## ---------------------------------------------
if ($element eq 'SPECIAL_TAG_ELEMENT') {
ProcessContent ($last_content) if ($special_tag);
$special_tag = 0;
$last_content = '';

## Handle larger capture XML chunks
## -----------------------------------
if ($element eq 'CAPTURE_ALL_OF_ME') {
if ($capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml) {
$RD_xml .= $p->original_string;
ProcessXmlChunk ($RD_xml);
$RD_xml = '';
$capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml = 0;


Eric said:

I'm writing a Perl script that has to copy a block of data (nodes numbers
and coordinates) from one XML formatted file into another XML file.
I'm using XML::parser to extract the data and XML::Writer to write the
data into the second file.

This does not work, since some of the numbers are corrupted after being
read by XML::parser. Below I have copied a small bit that shows how the
data is corrupted. It always happens at the same line(s) of data.

67 2.9005093479606E+000 3.6637104002418E-001 7.9522656092442E-001
68 2.8852994122583E+000 3.5353599488296E-001 7.7516591265738E-001
69 2.9109259023248E+000 3.5272037818926E-001 8.1765470045
70 2.9014248453522E+000 3.4032368974452E-001 7.9417266267164E-001
71 2.8849923984542E+000 3.2706829720117E-001 7.7537618002780E-001

My Perl script (I am not an experienced Perl programmer) is shown below.
The error occurs in the sub 'ReadCharacterData'. In this subroutine the
data is read and copied into a hash %tables. When writing this hash in the
output file the error shown above is found.

If anyone has an idea, or needs more info, please reply.



use XML::parser;
use IO::File;
use Switch ;
use XML::Writer;

my $fmsfile = shift ; # fms output file
my $reffile = shift ; # Exchange output deck
my $outfile = shift ; # Output file

die "Cannot find fms output file \"$xmlfile\""
unless -f $fmsfile;

die "Cannot find xml input deck \"$reffile\""
unless -f $reffile;

my $output = new IO::File(">$outfile");
my $writer = new XML::Writer( OUTPUT => $output, UNSAFE => 1 );

# Find tmax in fms file
my $tmax = 0.00 ;
open ( IN, $fmsfile ) ;
while ( <IN> ) {
if ( /TIME/ ) {
( $dum, $dum, $dum, $ti ) = split /\s+/ ;
$tmax = $ti if ( $ti > $tmax ) ;
close (IN) ;

$tag = "";

my %tables ; # hash with coordinates from fms file
my $model ; # naam van het FE model
my $i = 0 ; #
# Readfile to create hash of the coordinate tables
my $parser = new XML::parser;

$parser->setHandlers( Char => \&ReadCharacterData,
Default => \&default);
print "Reading fms file ($fmsfile)\n" ; $parser->parsefile($fmsfile);

## Check info read in fms file
#foreach $i ( keys %tables ) {
# print "Table $i\n",$tables{$i},"\n End table $i\n\n";
# }

my $coords = 0 ;

# Read reffile and replace coordinate tables with data from fms file
my $bparser = new XML::parser;
$bparser->setHandlers( XMLDecl => \&XmlDecl,
Doctype => \&DocType,
Start => \&startElement,
End => \&endElement,
Char => \&characterData,
CdataStart => \&cdatastart,
CdataEnd => \&cdataend,
Default => \&default);
print "Reading ($reffile) and writing ($outfile) \n" ;

$writer->end() ;


sub XmlDecl {
my( $parseinst, $version, $encoding, $standalone ) = @_;
$writer->xmlDecl( $encoding, $standalone );

sub DocType {
my( $parseinst, $name, $sysid, $pub, $internal ) = @_;
$writer->doctype( $name, $pub, $sysid );

sub startElement {
# Reading xml data
my( $parseinst, $element, %attrs ) = @_;
if ($element eq "FE_MODEL") {
$model = $attrs{'NAME'} ;
$tag = "DEFINE";
# print "FE model $model\n" ;
last SWITCH;
if ($element eq "TABLE" && $attrs{'TYPE'} =~ /COORDINATE/ ) {
$coords = 1 ;
# print "$coords - TABLE COORDINATES\n" ;
last SWITCH ;
$writer -> startTag( $element , %attrs );

sub endElement {

my( $parseinst, $element ) = @_;
$coords = 0 ;
$writer -> endTag( $element ) ;

sub ReadCharacterData {
my( $parseinst, $data ) = @_;
if ( $data =~ /^\s*$/ ) {
last ;
if ( $data =~ /TIME/ ) {
( $dum, $dum, $dum, $ti ) = split /\s+/, $data ;
# print "Timepoint ", $ti, "\n" ;
last ;
} ;
if ( $data =~ /FE MODEL/ ) {
($dum, $dum, $dum, $dum, $dum ) = split /\s+/, $data ;
( $txt = $dum ) =~ s/\/.*\/// ; # strip system numbering
# print $txt, "\n" ;
$tables{$txt} = ' ' ;
last ;
} ;
if ( $ti == $tmax ) {
# print $data ;
$tables{$txt} .= $data . "\n" ;
last ;
} ;

sub characterData {
my( $parseinst, $data ) = @_;
if ( $writer->within_element('FE_MODEL') && $writer->within_element('TABLE') && $coords && $data != /^\s*$/ ) {
$writer -> characters ( $tables{$model} ) ;
$tables{$model} = ' ' ; #empty table
elsif ( ! $coords ) {
# print "Coords $coords : $data";
$writer -> characters( $data ) ;

sub cdatastart {
$writer -> raw( "<![CDATA[\n" );
sub cdataend {
$writer -> raw( "]]>\n" );
sub default {

# do nothing, but stay quiet


2nd try to send.
I agree with John Bokma, you need the start and end handlers as well.
Something like this --

my $RD_xml = '';
my $last_content = '';
my $RD_xml = '';
my $special_tag = 0;

sub default_start_handler
my ($p, $element, %atts) = @_;
$element = uc($element);
$last_content = '';

## Check for start of singular tag data capture
## -----------------------------------------------
if ($element eq 'SPECIAL_TAG_ELEMENT')
{ $special_tag = 1; }

## Check for start of XML chunk data capture
## -----------------------------------------------
if ($element eq 'CAPTURE_ALL_OF_ME') {
$RD_xml = '';
$capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml = 1;
if ($capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml)
{ $RD_xml .= $p->original_string; }

sub default_content_handler
my ($p, $str) = @_;

## Use original for entities, incase reparse
## --------------------------------------------
$str = $p->original_string;

## Remove leading/trailing space, newline, tab
## if you want to do this now....
## -----------------------------------------------
$str =~ s/^[\x20\n\t]+//; $str =~ s/[\x20\n\t]+$//;

## Capture what is necessary. Last content is
## always captured by default
## -----------------------------------------------
if (length ($str) > 0) {
$last_content .= $str;
$RD_xml .= $str if ($capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml);

sub default_end_handler
my ($p, $element) = @_;
$element = uc($element);

## Handle singular capture of special tag data
## ---------------------------------------------
if ($element eq 'SPECIAL_TAG_ELEMENT') {
ProcessContent ($last_content) if ($special_tag);
$special_tag = 0;
$last_content = '';

## Handle larger capture XML chunks
## -----------------------------------
if ($element eq 'CAPTURE_ALL_OF_ME') {
if ($capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml) {
$RD_xml .= $p->original_string;
ProcessXmlChunk ($RD_xml);
$RD_xml = '';
$capturing_Is_part_of_larger_xml = 0;


John Bokma:
Something is broke on your side, or mine, but I see this message the
6th time or so :-D.

I assume your side, because I didn't even see a single one.


[OT] Re: Copy characterdata from XML file to XML file
I wouldn't wan't this to get lost now, make sure the
victim isin't using Forte products ->

John Bokma:
Something is broke on your side, or mine, but I see this message the
6th time or so :-D.

I assume your side, because I didn't even see a single one.

Affijn, Ruud

"Gewoon is een tijger."

Dr.Ruud said:
John Bokma:

I assume your side, because I didn't even see a single one.

Lucky you :-D

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