" The article is one of these "I want to attack the guy without
crossing the Wikipedia blatant personnal attack line" "
That was one opinion. Others were:
"Speedy Delete Wikipedia is not a blog."
"the problem here is that while you might have found the article useful, we=
cannot guarantee its reliability and that's a big problem."
Note that even the quote you pointed out suggests that it _doesn't_ cross t=
line. If the issue were only that it was a personal attack, or abusive, it=
could've probably been rewritten from a neutral point of view. The more=20
obvious criteria for deletion are whether or not it's actually notable, or=
contains any verifiable information.
There is no threat, you just interpret one.
Then what would you call this?
"If you (people) continue to attack me on a professional level, I'll
have to react at some point."
This immediately after your comment about defamation of character. I suppos=
it's theoretically possible you didn't intend it, but the subtext is clear:=
Stop saying mean things about me or I'll sue for defamation.
Is this the only way you can get anyone to take you seriously? =20
Alright, I'll use your source this time:
[...] - aborted reading, due to time constraints.
Bullshit. We've already established that you have more than enough time,=20
mostly because of how inefficient your methods are. You've already spent mo=
time responding to me than it would take to answer the questions asked in s=
of your recent topics.
I don't care if you (or people of your kind) take me serious.
Yes, you do, or why would you continue to threaten me (or people of "my kin=
whatever that is) with legal action?
=46or that matter, why would you continue to ask questions? You even pointe=
d out=20
that James Gray's solution "looks very good, and seems to work as expected"=
surely there would be an advantage to having someone who can consistently=20
provide solutions like that actually take you seriously, instead of doing=20
their best to ignore you?
I respect people which have the discipline to stay unbiased, even if
they have possible negative personal feelings against me (e.g. because
the dislike mey *personal* writing style, which is part of my
"Part of your individuality" apparently involves:
- Making legal threats at the slightest provocation
- Marking all questions as urgent ("BARRIER" or "CORE")
- Not reading any answers "too complicated"
- "Summarizing" (read: strawmanning), rather than quoting in your replies
- Dismissing as "offtopic" or "unprofessional" anyone who asks for enough=
context to give you a good answer, or who points out any of the above.
There's individuality, and then there's rudeness. If "part of your=20
individuality" is to be insufferably rude to those who are genuinely trying=
help you, that suggests you're the sort of individual I wouldn't want to kn=
I respect people which understand that there is a difference between
"analytic ability" and "knowledge", and that knowledge can many times
reduce the analytic ability, thus it must be assimilated with care.
In other words: You actually want to know *less*, not more. Wow.
Stay in-topic and in-context - or stay out of the topics.
You owe this not only to me, but to every current and future reader of
the archives.
=46irst: I don't owe you anything. I gave you the benefit of the doubt when=
first started reading, but given responses like these, nope, not even that.
Second: This is an open forum. You in no way control it, and neither do I. =
have no more call than I do to tell anyone to "stay out of the topics."
It's far more professional than to
destroy a clearly technical thread with 80% irrelevant content.
Ilias, as unlikely as it is that you'll actually read this far -- you seem =
have far more time to write a response than you do to actually read what=20
you're responding to -- seriously, consider this:
Well above 90% of the threads on this list do not end up this way.
Most simple questions are answered quickly, within a single message, and=20
several people will rush to respond with an answer.
Most threads which devolve into offtopic stuff like this end up with one or=
two people arguing back and forth, or with a group of people on both sides.=
It's much rarer for there to be one person arguing against every single oth=
poster who has an opinion. Usually this indicates a newbie who's asked a=20
stupid question, so usually it's friendly, they learn what they need to lea=
and they come back more intelligent -- so it's even less common for everyon=
who has an opinion on someone's etiquette or personal conduct to side again=
Well over half your threads end up this way, with three or four well-respec=
people telling you the same things I have been, quite a few avoiding the=20
discussion but talking about how to add you to a killfile, and several chim=
in every now and then with cheap shots.
This is *incredibly* unusual. I can't ever remember seeing this kind of=20
behavior with other people in the years I've been active here. Even spammer=
don't elicit the same amount of contempt you have from the entire community.
If you would like to not have "80% irrelevant content," it is in your own b=
interest to figure out what it is about your attitude and conduct that lead=
to this.
It's also in the best interests of the community, because personal issues=20
aside, it's clear that you are intelligent enough to have something to=20
contribute, and I'd much rather have you as a productive member of the=20
community than effectively a troll. But no amount of "posting on-topic" wil=
do that. That's something you have to do yourself.