CPU simulator written in C



Case said:
Sure. Would you care to tell me what singed registers are?
(It takes pecial effort to deliberately type ng.)

I expect they are registers that have been exposed to sufficient
heat to singe them. For a definitive answer you will probably
have to ask whomever Eric Sosman was originally responding to.

Richard Bos

Case - said:
I was writing English, not C.

"int" is not a word in English. It is a technical term in C, and
therefore can only be interpreted, on comp.lang.c, as the C int.



CBFalconer said:
I expect they are registers that have been exposed to sufficient
heat to singe them. For a definitive answer you will probably
have to ask whomever Eric Sosman was originally responding to.

He told me it was just a typo. And that he was wondering if this
was all, or that there might be something to learn from the well
repected Eric Sosman. But I geuss that's not the case for Case
in this case.


Dan Pop

In said:
I was writing English, not C.

Main Entry: int
Function: abbreviation
intelligence, intercept, interest, interim, interior, interjection,
intermediate, internal, international, interpreter, intersection,
interval, interview, intransitive


Dan Pop

In said:
He told me it was just a typo. And that he was wondering if this
was all, or that there might be something to learn from the well
repected Eric Sosman.

It was obvious for everybody except you that the well repected Eric
Sosman made a joke: look up the word "singe" in your English dictionary
and compare with Eric's reply.

If you don't want to be exposed to this kind of jokes, carefully
proofread your posts before using the Send command of your news client.



Dan said:
In said:
He told me it was just a typo. And that he was wondering if this
was all, or that there might be something to learn from the well
repected Eric Sosman.

It was obvious for everybody except you that the well repected Eric
Sosman made a joke: look up the word "singe" in your English dictionary
and compare with Eric's reply.

Thanks Dan, I was unaware of the fact the singe is an English word.
However, from the start (as can be read in my first reply to Eric's
post) I was joke aware, but wondered if that was all.
If you don't want to be exposed to this kind of jokes, carefully
proofread your posts before using the Send command of your news client.

I don't mind much, and actually like this kind of jokes. I hope you
understood mine when I responded to you with:

'I didn't say what kind of int, so technically what you propose
is covered by my statement'

Where I referred to our endless and entertaining discussion about the
meaning of the word 'more' a few day ago. :)

But yes, I bet I'd better better proofread my posts.

The difficult thing in understanding jokes on Usenet, is the lack of
all non-verbal information.

All the best,


Wayne Rasmussen

Richard said:
Your assignment said: "_make_ a CPU simulator". Not "copy a CPU
simulator". There is a very good reason for this. How do you expect to
learn anything if you just hand in someone else's work?

I don't believe the requestor mentioned anything about learning as part of
the homework assignment.


if you would like to see a MIPS style simulator which contains all the
arhictectural features of modern microprocessors (5-stage pipeline,
branch prediction, separate instruction/data fetch units, etc etc.)
you may want to take a look at the SimpleScalar Toolset by Todd Austin
from the University of Michigan. Its written in C and is quite easy to

for my comp. arch project, i used it and hacked it to implement
different branch prediction schemes to see their performance. its
relatively easy to understand.

i think this will give you a good idea of how to write architectural
simulators in C.

good luck.


Wayne Rasmussen

Dan said:
If this is my first English inaccuracy you've caught in one of my posts,
you must be *really* reading them with your brain firmly set into Neutral.

Given that I've never even tried to learn the proper English grammar and
that I'm posting quite a lot, there *must* be several English mistakes in
my daily output... (without even mentioning typos and omitted words)

I think what he is saying that one mistake means that everything else you have
written is incorrect on some level.

Tak-Shing Chan

Dan said:
It was obvious for everybody except you that the well repected Eric
Sosman made a joke: look up the word "singe" in your English dictionary
and compare with Eric's reply.

Thanks Dan, I was unaware of the fact the singe is an English word.

OT remark: most c.l.c regulars have been singed by Dan Pop
during the period of 2001-2004.

Tak-Shing, eyewitness


osmium said:
To simulate is to try to predict how fast some CPU design (probably unbuilt)
will be. To emulate is to produce the effect on computer B that a program
was run on computer A.

From The American Heritage Dictionary, second college edition, 1985.

emulate tr. v. 1. To strive to equal or excel, esp. through
imitation. 2. To compete with or rival successfully.
3. Computer Sci. To imitate one system with another so that
both accept the same data, execute the same programs and
achieve the same results.

simulate tr. v. 1. To have or take on the appearance, form,
or sound of; imitate. 2. To make a pretense of; feign.

Etymologically the proper word to use in this context is "simulate."
This is because "simulate" (from Latin similis) connotes likeness,
whereas "emulate" (from latin aemulus) connotes rivalry/competition.

However, as can be seen in the aforementioned dictionary entries,
in computer science the use of the word "emulate" to mean something
akin to "simulate" has been accepted for sometime now.

Note that the presence of entry (3) for "emulate" should not be
taken to mean that it is the accepted usage but rather the usage
is an exceptional case in the field of computer science.

That said, depending on the circumstances, even at present one or
the other of these words is preferred.


kal said:
However, as can be seen in the aforementioned dictionary entries,
in computer science the use of the word "emulate" to mean something
akin to "simulate" has been accepted for sometime now.

The traditional distinction is that "simulation" is done entirely in
software whereas "emulation" is done with special-purpose hardware
(either with or without additional software).

-Larry Jones

Bad news, Mom. I promised my soul to the Devil this afternoon. -- Calvin

Dan Pop

In said:
I don't mind much, and actually like this kind of jokes. I hope you
understood mine when I responded to you with:

'I didn't say what kind of int, so technically what you propose
is covered by my statement'

Where I referred to our endless and entertaining discussion about the
meaning of the word 'more' a few day ago. :)

It was a failed attempt at humour (yes, I recognised the parallel with
the other thread) due to the precise meaning of the word "int" in the
context of c.l.c.


Tak-Shing Chan

It was a failed attempt at humour (yes, I recognised the parallel with

Is anyone aware of /any/ successful attempts coming from
Dan Pop on c.l.c (that is, if there was any at all)?



Dan said:
It was a failed attempt at humour (yes, I recognised the parallel with
the other thread) due to the precise meaning of the word "int" in the
context of c.l.c.

Yeah, I should have better written 'integer' I know.

Have a nice day!


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