[CSS] how can I show spaces as spaces?

  • Thread starter Tomasz Chmielewski
  • Start date

Raymond Schmit

Now I ask myself (respecting that JavaScript might not be object
orientated) if you could not use such a script to fill in always
different text in different <td>s. That would be 'reusability'.

Of course I know now that HTML is not a programming language and some
people turn off JavaScript in their browsers.

So one question is left for me at this point:

How manage big online news portals whith rapidly changing content the
actualisation of their pages?
Do they open the source code?
Or do they have an interface?
I think 'contribute' in CS4 Webstandard is something for blogs.
But I never heard about something for magazines.

A person who writes the stories for an online magazine - does he
automatically have to know about HTML?
Or is it another person who takes the article and places it into the
right places of the huge portal?

IMHO i think that they use a software to transform documents into
webpages. They just need to inform the software by telling them in the
template where the document must go.

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