curious about array initialization.



Keith said:
Keith said:
(e-mail address removed) writes:
Keith Thompson wrote:
(e-mail address removed) writes:
I would instead say, that a static *variable* is something either with
file scope (declared outside of any function) or an auto with a static
declaration. General static objects also include initialization values
with implicit storage (such as inline strings, and potential structs,
or unions that contain them, initialized to something other than an
array) and clearly have a value that is self declared rather than being

I'm not sure this distinction between objects and "variables" is
useful. The standard carefully avoids defining what a "variable" is
(though it uses the word informally a few times).

Yeah, well the "standard" is not something from which you can derive
any true understanding of anything.

I certainly can. I don't know what your problem is.

That's like saying spelling bee champions are expert linguists. A
language standard that goes out of its way to avoid the word variable
seems to me like it maybe has been built on questionable premises.

Not really. The C standard uses the word "object", and describes
properties that objects have. I truly don't see how introducing the
word "variable" (presumably variables are a subset of objects?) would
be helpful.

Well, every single computer 101 student knows what variable is. It
means its a base of knowledge by which you have universal understanding
and agreement without question. It would be helpful because everyone
would know what you are talking about.

If you want a tough definition, try giving one for "object".
The fact that certain hunks of data can exist should be a seperate
concept to a variable it happens to be sitting in. A *variable* can
cause a hunk of data to inherit const semantics at run time while a
hunk of data intrinsically in of itsef cannot change its const
semantics. So this distinction kind of matters, and it means knowing
the difference between variables, and "objects" is a prerequisite for
"getting" this.

So for example, if you have an inline string, can you return it from a
function? It depends on the attributes of the *variable* it was first
bound to. It can be returned if it was stuck in a char *, but *not* if
it is stuck in a char[]. How does one think about this without
understanding that its through the variable declaration that we
determine this?

By understanding the attributes of the objects that the program is
operating on.

By "inline string", I assume you mean a string literal. A string
literal corresponds to a static object with certain attributes as
defined in the standard. If it's "stuck in a char*", then you have an
object of type char* that points to the object.

Well, more than that you have implicit storage. The inline string has
to actually exist as a wad of data somewhere.
[...] If it's "stuck in a
char[]", then you've copied the value of that object to another

No, that's a matter of implementation.

char x[] = "xxxx";

is the same as

char x[];
memset (x, 'x', 4);
x[4] = '\0';

No, it isn't. The first form is legal; the second is not.

I think you mean:

char x[5];
memset(x, 'x', 4);
x[4] = '\0';
and a compiler might easily do that, without the requirement of the
existence of any "xxxx" "object" (actually, this is more likely with
char x[]="", for obvious reaons). Similarly, if you mismatch the size
of the array declaration with the inline string, the compiler has a
bunch of choices as to how to deal with the truncation or expansion of
the array, including the mutation of the representation of the inline
string where it is stored. Since there is no reference to the original
inline string, it does not actually have to exist, or have any property
you think it might have. There's no way for you to force the string
literal to have any particular manifestation you want it to outside of
a particular implementation.

Yes, in the case of
char x[] = "xxxx";
the compiler doesn't have to allocate storage for the string literal.

Meaning that calling "xxxx" an object doesn't really mean anything now
does it?
And how does calling x a "variable" rather than an "object" help
anything? x is an object that has certain properties, including a
type and a (current) value.

I think it would help the OP, who I am sure understands very clearly
what a variable is, but probably does not understand what an object is.
[...] If that object has automatic storage duration, then returning
a pointer to that object outside the object's scope can cause
undefined behavior; the origin of the value stored in that object is
no longer relevant.

This is all stuff that I learned from the standard.

Yes, but there is the question of what you didn't learn.

Of which I'm sure there's a lot. What is your point?

That the standard is not something from which you can derive
Now you're just being insulting.

Well, I'll admit that that may have been my original intent, but in
reading your follow-up, it appears as though this point seems
startlingly applicable.
Of course I know, in general terms, what a variable is. That's not
what I asked. I said I don't know *what you mean* by "variable".

I mean what it means in general terms. The concept doesn't take
different meanings in different contexts of computer programming.
We're not talking about statistics or algebra here.
It is not obvious what the word "variable" should mean in the context
of C. For example:

int x;
* Obviously x is a variable.

Its independent, corresponds to storage, and its named. So yes, its a
int arr[10];
* arr is a variable.

* Is arr[0] a variable?

No. arr[0] is not independent of arr, and arr[0] is not a name. In C
you can apply "const" to variables. You cannot apply const to arr[0],
unless you also apply it to all of arr simultaneously.
struct {
int x;
int y;
} s;
* Is s.x a variable?

Similarly to arr, s.x is not independent of s, and s.x is not a name.
const int c = 42;
* Is c a variable?

* It can't vary (unless you invoke undefined behavior).

This is about computer programming concepts, not word deconstruction.
* If c isn't a "variable", how useful is the word?

Well -- it *is* a variable. Its constant, but that's a semantic. I
mean what would you call a variable that only had one value throughout
its lifetime? Or which you can prove will only have one value? That
it varies or can legally vary is not a well defined criteria, and its
obviously not what constitutes a variable.
int *ptr = malloc(sizeof *ptr);
* Assuming ptr != NULL, is *ptr a variable?

No, *ptr is not a name, and its not independent of ptr.

Replace "variable" by "object" in the above, and the answer to each of
these questions is clearly yes.

Replace it by "storage", and the answer is also yes. (Logical
reasoning is also a good thing to have if you plan on seriously
endeavouring to be a computer programmer.)
[...] other than that it's
apparently something distinct from an object. If you can provide a
rigorous definition of the word "variable", perhaps we can discuss

Independent named storage? In C I guess it would be declared
independent named storage.

Independent of what?

Of other variables.

Keith Thompson

Keith said:
(e-mail address removed) writes: [...]
Not really. The C standard uses the word "object", and describes
properties that objects have. I truly don't see how introducing the
word "variable" (presumably variables are a subset of objects?) would
be helpful.

Well, every single computer 101 student knows what variable is. It
means its a base of knowledge by which you have universal understanding
and agreement without question. It would be helpful because everyone
would know what you are talking about.

If you want a tough definition, try giving one for "object".

An object is a "region of data storage in the execution environment,
the contents of which can represent values". What's so tough about

Yes, in the case of
char x[] = "xxxx";
the compiler doesn't have to allocate storage for the string literal.

Meaning that calling "xxxx" an object doesn't really mean anything now
does it?

I didn't call "xxxx" an object.

A string literal is "used to initialize an array of static storage
duration and length just sufficient to contain the sequence". That
array is an object. As with any object, the compiler is free to
optimimize it away.

That the standard is not something from which you can derive

That is manifestly untrue.

[discussion of what "variable" means snipped]

Ok, so a "variable" is a declared object that's not a component of
some other object, and a const-qualified object is still a variable.
That's not an unreasonable definition. As I've said before, I tend to
avoid using the term (at least here in comp.lang.c) because (a) the
standard doesn't define the term, and (b) different people might
define it differently. For example, someone might say that a struct
member is a variable, or that a const-qualified object isn't. I have
enough trouble understanding what you're talking about; I didn't want
to make any assumptions. For example, your use of the phrase "inline
string" for what most of us call a "string literal" didn't help

Now that we've agreed on what you mean by the term, I've lost track of
whatever point you were trying to make. But that's probably ok.


Keith said:
Keith said:
(e-mail address removed) writes: [...]
Not really. The C standard uses the word "object", and describes
properties that objects have. I truly don't see how introducing the
word "variable" (presumably variables are a subset of objects?) would
be helpful.

Well, every single computer 101 student knows what variable is. It
means its a base of knowledge by which you have universal understanding
and agreement without question. It would be helpful because everyone
would know what you are talking about.

If you want a tough definition, try giving one for "object".

An object is a "region of data storage in the execution environment,
the contents of which can represent values". What's so tough about

It has no universal agreement. Ask a practitioner of any other
programming language other than C what they think of this definition.
They will wonder why you don't just call that "storage". This is a
worthless definition, and you should not plan on teaching anyone
anything by adopting it.
Yes, in the case of
char x[] = "xxxx";
the compiler doesn't have to allocate storage for the string literal.

Meaning that calling "xxxx" an object doesn't really mean anything now
does it?

I didn't call "xxxx" an object.

Keith Thompson wrote:
"[...] A string
literal corresponds to a static object with certain attributes as
defined in the standard. If it's "stuck in a char*", then you have an
object of type char* that points to the object. If it's "stuck in a
char[]", then you've copied the value of that object to another
object. [...]"
A string literal is "used to initialize an array of static storage
duration and length just sufficient to contain the sequence". That
array is an object. As with any object, the compiler is free to
optimimize it away.

For it to be optimized away presumes it exists in the first place. It
doesn't have to. The compiler decides what to do based on how the
*variable* is declared. At best, the "string literal" exists as a
compile time element, and only gains a real manifestation as dictated
by the declaration or at the whim of the compiler developer.
That the standard is not something from which you can derive

That is manifestly untrue.

Well, you probably have a different meaning for "understanding" than I
[discussion of what "variable" means snipped]

Ok, so a "variable" is a declared object that's not a component of
some other object, and a const-qualified object is still a variable.
That's not an unreasonable definition. As I've said before, I tend to
avoid using the term (at least here in comp.lang.c) because (a) the
standard doesn't define the term,

Right, but at the same time, strstr ("comp.lang.c", "std") returns
[...] and (b) different people might
define it differently.

Sort of like how you are redefining object? The concept of a variable
is pretty universal. I didn't pull that definition out of my ass.
[...] For example, someone might say that a struct
member is a variable, or that a const-qualified object isn't.

They could, but they'd be wrong. Its sort of like calling "Intelligent
Design" science. Subverting definitions is what allows people to try
to get away with "that depends on the meaning of the word is".
[...] I have
enough trouble understanding what you're talking about; I didn't want
to make any assumptions. For example, your use of the phrase "inline
string" for what most of us call a "string literal" didn't help

Whatever; I don't pray at K&R's altar, so why should I quote their
Now that we've agreed on what you mean by the term, I've lost track of
whatever point you were trying to make. But that's probably ok.

The OP was having trouble understanding the initialization of
variables, and you started talking about objects and other weird things
in ways that are not appropriate for beginners. I clarified by
describing static as being applied to variables, then you went off and
said variables is not a well defined concept. So I gave the definition
for it. Google Groups is not completely worthless you know.

Keith Thompson

Keith said:
Keith Thompson wrote:
(e-mail address removed) writes: [...]
Not really. The C standard uses the word "object", and describes
properties that objects have. I truly don't see how introducing the
word "variable" (presumably variables are a subset of objects?) would
be helpful.

Well, every single computer 101 student knows what variable is. It
means its a base of knowledge by which you have universal understanding
and agreement without question. It would be helpful because everyone
would know what you are talking about.

If you want a tough definition, try giving one for "object".

An object is a "region of data storage in the execution environment,
the contents of which can represent values". What's so tough about

It has no universal agreement. Ask a practitioner of any other
programming language other than C what they think of this definition.
They will wonder why you don't just call that "storage". This is a
worthless definition, and you should not plan on teaching anyone
anything by adopting it.

It's the definition in the C standard. The C standard defines the C
language. The C language is what we discuss in this newsgroup.

I don't believe you're too stupid to understand that; apparently you
just disagree with it for some reason. Presumably you're not going to
change your mind on this point, so there's no reason to continue this

Rod Pemberton

Keith Thompson said:
It's the definition in the C standard. The C standard defines the C
language. The C language is what we discuss in this newsgroup.


This is the core issue when dealing with Keith's multiple personalities.
When he's on "CLC personality," he will explicitly deny the existence of
anything outside the most current C specification that he obtained. He will
deny historical context, assembly language, mathematics, physics, and
anything else that is not specifically in the C specification. He will
argue that one is wrong even when one (like me) has posted paraphrases of
Doug Gwyn. If he is uncertain, he will then pop over to comp.std.c and get
the same answer (of course) from Doug Gwyn himself. He will then argue with
Doug Gwyn telling him he's wrong. Doug Gwyn, unlike Keith, doesn't ignore
the historical context or the fact that a standard is useless without
hardware or assembly language and frequently places his answers in such a
context. You need to think of Keith as the "Oz," aka "Wizard," in the
"Wizard of Oz." If you don't know the truth beforehand, you'll come away
believing he helped you.

Rod Pemberton


Keith said:
Keith said:
(e-mail address removed) writes:
Keith Thompson wrote:
(e-mail address removed) writes:
Not really. The C standard uses the word "object", and describes
properties that objects have. I truly don't see how introducing the
word "variable" (presumably variables are a subset of objects?) would
be helpful.

Well, every single computer 101 student knows what variable is. It
means its a base of knowledge by which you have universal understanding
and agreement without question. It would be helpful because everyone
would know what you are talking about.

If you want a tough definition, try giving one for "object".

An object is a "region of data storage in the execution environment,
the contents of which can represent values". What's so tough about

It has no universal agreement. Ask a practitioner of any other
programming language other than C what they think of this definition.
They will wonder why you don't just call that "storage". This is a
worthless definition, and you should not plan on teaching anyone
anything by adopting it.

It's the definition in the C standard. The C standard defines the C
language. The C language is what we discuss in this newsgroup.

That doesn't imply that we discuss the language of the standard in this
group. Also notice that there is a group named comp.std.c that doesn't
generally cross post into this group. You *choose* to only discuss C
within the confines of the language of the standard like it was your
bible, because you are basically a religious fanatic.
I don't believe you're too stupid to understand that; apparently you
just disagree with it for some reason.

Well its hardly just me. The volume of material and other standards
that seem to think that "object" means something else is pretty large.

Keith Thompson

Keith said:
Keith Thompson wrote:
(e-mail address removed) writes:
Keith Thompson wrote:
(e-mail address removed) writes:
Not really. The C standard uses the word "object", and describes
properties that objects have. I truly don't see how introducing the
word "variable" (presumably variables are a subset of objects?) would
be helpful.

Well, every single computer 101 student knows what variable is. It
means its a base of knowledge by which you have universal understanding
and agreement without question. It would be helpful because everyone
would know what you are talking about.

If you want a tough definition, try giving one for "object".

An object is a "region of data storage in the execution environment,
the contents of which can represent values". What's so tough about

It has no universal agreement. Ask a practitioner of any other
programming language other than C what they think of this definition.
They will wonder why you don't just call that "storage". This is a
worthless definition, and you should not plan on teaching anyone
anything by adopting it.

It's the definition in the C standard. The C standard defines the C
language. The C language is what we discuss in this newsgroup.

That doesn't imply that we discuss the language of the standard in this
group. Also notice that there is a group named comp.std.c that doesn't
generally cross post into this group. You *choose* to only discuss C
within the confines of the language of the standard like it was your
bible, because you are basically a religious fanatic.

You have somehow managed to avoid having any real understanding of
this newsgroup (or of me, but that's beside the point).

The fact that the scope of this newsgroup is the C language as defined
by the ISO standards in no way implies that there's anything wrong
with things not defined by the ISO C standards. It merely means that
we choose not to discuss them here.

comp.std.c is for discussion of the standard as a document, not for
discussion of the language defined by the standard. It includes
discussions of the process used to create and update the standard, and
proposals for changing it. It's a subtle distinction, but a very
useful one.

There are many system-specific newsgroups where discussions of
system-specific issues, such as language extensions, are topical.
There also also a number of more general newsgroups, such as
comp.programming, where general programming concepts can be discussed
without limiting the discussion to a single well-defined language.

There is *one* newsgroup (two, if you count comp.lang.c.moderated)
that discusses the C programming language as defined by the ISO C
standard, plus one that discusses the standard itself. I participate
here because it happens to be an interest of mine. You apparently
aren't satisfied with that. That's just too bad.

If you want to have a newsgroup that discusses C without limiting
itself to the standard, you can advocate the creation of such a
newsgroup (or, if you want it to be in the alt hierarchy, you can just
create it yourself). I suggest writing a charter that defines the
scope of the new newsgroup, to avoid silly arguments like this one. I
won't necessarily vote for such a newsgroup, but if it's created I
might even participate; if I do, I will of course abide by the group's

I do not expect you to be willing to understand any of this.

Rod Pemberton

Keith Thompson said:
Keith said:
(e-mail address removed) writes:
Keith Thompson wrote:
(e-mail address removed) writes:
Keith Thompson wrote:
(e-mail address removed) writes:
Not really. The C standard uses the word "object", and describes
properties that objects have. I truly don't see how introducing the
word "variable" (presumably variables are a subset of objects?) would
be helpful.

Well, every single computer 101 student knows what variable is. It
means its a base of knowledge by which you have universal understanding
and agreement without question. It would be helpful because everyone
would know what you are talking about.

If you want a tough definition, try giving one for "object".

An object is a "region of data storage in the execution environment,
the contents of which can represent values". What's so tough about

It has no universal agreement. Ask a practitioner of any other
programming language other than C what they think of this definition.
They will wonder why you don't just call that "storage". This is a
worthless definition, and you should not plan on teaching anyone
anything by adopting it.

It's the definition in the C standard. The C standard defines the C
language. The C language is what we discuss in this newsgroup.

That doesn't imply that we discuss the language of the standard in this
group. Also notice that there is a group named comp.std.c that doesn't
generally cross post into this group. You *choose* to only discuss C
within the confines of the language of the standard like it was your
bible, because you are basically a religious fanatic.

You have somehow managed to avoid having any real understanding of


*boring irrelevant drivel*

Rod Pemberton

Richard G. Riley

Keith Thompson said:
Rod Pemberton said:

This is the core issue when dealing with Keith's multiple personalities.


Please don't post off topic Keith : you know how angry it makes you and
Al and that fella who quotes you in his .signature.

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