Lionel B
Mike Wahler said:Victor Bazarov said:Adie said:Attila Feher wrote:
Adie wrote:
Well like God, I'm an Englishmen, does that help?
I think there is a contradiction in that statement. Or maybe not. Is
God plural (EnglishMEN)? I heard "We are the State" before. I heard,
"We, the Emperor" before. I never heard "I'm an Englishmen"...
I've heard a rumor that a certain Queen once uttered:
"We are not amused." Perhaps she was simply a schizophrenic,
or maybe there's some property of the English folk of which
I'm unaware.
Ah, that's known as the "Royal \"we\"". Former PM Margeret Thatcher used to
slip into this usage on occasion... for which she was roundly condemmed as
getting ideas above her station/putting on airs and graces, etc. Rum lot,
the English.
Anyway, correct application would be: "Like God, we're an Englishman".