Why are you still trying to make this work? You're trying to trick the
GUI of an add-on in one particular browser. And you *know* that anybody
with a rudimentary understanding of the web can just pick the file
contents from the HTTP stream (you mentioned packet sniffers yourself).
I wanted to know just how far one could push fooling firebug (since
others seem to rely heavily on it) and *if* it could be fooled
completely and if not, what to watch out for - which tools *can*
be fooled and which can't, and why.
Some things just can't be done.
But why can't it be done. I am a mathematician and need proofs.
There's no shame in admitting defeat against the impossible. I've only
ever found _one_ reliable way to keep people from copying scripts: write
crappy scripts
It is a trick. It makes it difficult for the unwary even to realize that
something has happened (that there *was* code on a page when the "live"
panels in firebug, HTML and DOM, no longer show it - if you forget to
check the cache via the SCRIPT panel you may miss something).
It's just a trick. You and I can get around it. I just want to know
enough of what can be done so that, if I come across it (and I have
come across exploit pages which remove Javascript) I will recognize
it and not be fooled. Don't rely on the HTML and DOM view in firebug
which are live and be fooled by removing data from a page (and avoiding
leaving global Javascript variables and non-anonymous functions around
which the DOM view can show).
Until I was sure how the SCRIPT panel in firebug works (it seems
to be a cache access tool - and the file WILL BE in cache) I didn't
*know* for a fact whether or not firebug could be completely fooled.
As data is in the cache, and firebug has a tool to search and
access that, that tool cannot be fooled. The live tools can.
By the way, did you realize that SCRIPT seems to be a cache access
tool and why about:cache in firefox and clicking on an item there
may not show the cached data? It sends a request to the original
source only asking for a more recent value (an "If-Modified-Since:"
header). It may return newer, not cached data. That may not be a
reliable way to check cached data (onless one is offline to force
a cached value to be used?).
A litle detail - but I like to know how things work in depth.
Ah, heck ... this is a Javascript forum. The original question was
just about deobfuscating some (simply) obfuscated code. That led
to a reference to a google page and the poster did not know how
the Javascript there worked - but it was a PHP blocker. That led
to the question of how to find things on a page. That led to using
firebug. That led to questions as to what it shows and can one
fool (at least parts of) it.