Yes I have. Read this again:
This is your code that is wrong not the cast.
Problem line is
Base (*p2)[3] = (Base (*)[3])new Derived[2][3];
and __you__ wrote it first.
I changed Base in a way that shows that your code won't work. But I
did not change the offending part.
It looks like you think that "not UB" means "seems to work on my
You cannot even explain what
is wrong with the cast in your opinion , its just wrong?
My explanation is fine compared to your lack of understanding what
"proof by contradiction" means.
I provided the following code as an alternative which you snipped and
ignored. And you replaced it with your buggy shit code.
Not true. Nothing in what __I__ wrote is wrong. Errors are in what
__you__ have written, that I took over. My purpose was clear: to show
you __how__ and __why__ what you wrote fails. You really seem to think
that "not UB" means "seems to work on my code".
The following is the same C cast but in C++ style, is this also UB in your
template <typename T, int S>
T* foo(){
return static_cast<T*>
perator new(S * sizeof(T)));}
int main() {
int (*p)[6] = foo<int[6], 6>();
It does not matter whether cast is C or C++-style.
Yes, this is UB, and it's __much__ worse than your old examples. If
you try this on __any__ type that has a constructor, this is going to
fail __massively__. Just put e.g. this in your main:
It's your use of the code that produces undefined behaviour, this code is
identical to the code used in std::allocator.
Just because you can use this code in a way that produces UB does not mean
the code itself produces UB.
If you theory was correct every container in the std lib would produce UB
std::string (*p)[6] = foo<string[6], 6>();
And watch this lunacy of yours fail.
You can legally use static_cast to go from void* to some other type,
that's OK, but that does not mean that code can't exhibit UB.
As I said above you can make almost any code produce UB if you use it
incorrectly. It's not the code I posted that produces UB , its your
incorrect useage of the code.
If you think the code I posted produces UB then just compare that code to
the constructor in std::allocator. As the code is identical you must also
think std::allocator produces UB.
You call it lunacy but its your usage that is lunacy not the code from the
std lib.