I meant the purpose of doing so /in this discussion/ was to get a
different layout in memory. The fact that the accesses will then be all
messed up is what Richard Harter describes as a bias in the syntax, and
I prefer to think of as something more fundamental about C's view of
objects and types.
Right, but not specifically C...it's fundamental to the nature of
computing. One could argue for a different set of data structures be
made available, higher abstractions, but I don't see that it's
necessary for the purposes that C was trying to solve in its design.
I think C nicely provides a minimal language for software development;
something that's both small and relatively easy to use. It's not my
language of choice, but it's good for what it is.
They key here isn't that C has this or that syntax, or that it's
abstractions are close to the machine, but that the data is better
organized in one manner or another.
Yes, but there is more than one meaning of better. I've seen a Lisp
system where the cons cells are implemented like this:
int car[1000], int cdr[1000];
rather than the more obvious
struct cell { int car, cdr; } cell[1000];
because such an organisation performed better.
Right. This is why I said generally, or at least did through most of
the discussion and just slipped up here. Generally speaking, stronger
cohesion equals a better program. Sometimes it pays to organize the
code in an inconvenient manner in order to get better performance out
of certain operations due to being able to use faster algorithms for
them. What you have to do with the data is as important as what it
The logical relationship
is intended to be the same, but the programmer has been forced to break
it for performance reasons. (The two arrays were not put into a struct
because that would not buy you anything with C as it stands).
The logical relationship may be intended to be the same, but it
isn't. The relationship is much less cohesive since in the former you
enforce the combination of car/cdr by putting them in the same bucket,
while in the latter that relationship is soft and enforced through
manipulation...which requires a lot more work and care from the
programmer. It works for this problem, that's not something I'm
denying, and it represents the same data relationships, also something
I'm not denying, but the way you use it is fundamentally different not
because of anything unique to C, but because of what buckets you're
putting things in.
I imagine that Richard would prefer C to have something like this:
transposed struct cell { int car, cdr; } cell[1000];
so that cell[42] is still "an object", but cell[42].car is followed by
cell[43].car in memory.
This would enable the programmer to express two kinds of "better" -- the
way the data is logically related, and the way it is laid out in memory.
Correct. This is "language X". It's a higher abstraction than
structs and arrays provide. Abstractions are great but you pay a cost
for them. All the operations you do by hand in by using the raw
abstractions has to be done by this "language X" abstraction. This is
fundamental to the logical construction of computers where the only
"data type" we have is a gigantic array that we can chunkify to
various lengths. It is true that you won't get that dot syntax in C,
but you can implement this abstraction with macros or functions on the
fundamental data types that C provides.
If there's a bias here in C it's in what abstractions it provides to
the programmer. In this it shares a great deal with other languages.
Even in languages that have different base abstractions, of which
there are not a lot, you'll have similar issues and apparent "biases".
I suppose that in one way I was wrong in saying this has nothing to do
with memory. The fact that computer memory looks like a giant array
means that all the abstractions we use have to be translatable to that
representation and that the further from it you get, the more
operations have to be performed. This is WHY structs and arrays are
what C has and not something else like "language X" features. They're
not at all far removed from the fundamental data structures of
computing devices. But like I showed with the list example, you don't
need these particular data structures to run into a bias for
cohesion. In fact, I don't think you even need computers for this
issue to exist since we could change the discussion to being about
REAL buckets, files in a drawer, etc...and it would still come up
along with all the tradeoffs everyone's bringing up.