I like to explain students that representation is more structural at the
higher levels of abstraction. It is because you start design at the top
level. You refine the design by implementing the components (defining
their structure). At the bottom level you have the gates. As VHDL
designer you know that components do not have the structure at the
bottom level. You describe the elementary components by behavioral
processes. Now, you understand that the top level is necessarily has
known structure. Might be this intuition is taken too far by some bigots
but the big picture of the World seems to be really useful in any case.
higher levels of abstraction. It is because you start design at the top
level. You refine the design by implementing the components (defining
their structure). At the bottom level you have the gates. As VHDL
designer you know that components do not have the structure at the
bottom level. You describe the elementary components by behavioral
processes. Now, you understand that the top level is necessarily has
known structure. Might be this intuition is taken too far by some bigots
but the big picture of the World seems to be really useful in any case.