Leslie Viljoen
This all sounds very interesting, and I want to investigate it, but I dread
having to deal with the java monster. I've been there before. Forty-five+
versions, all with 26 letter names, and documentation that requires a
masters in CS to decypher. I simply cannot know everything, and I'm pretty
committed in a couple of other fields. Still, I have programming to get
done, and drag and drop GUI that doesn't require yet another book to read
would be a blessing.
So, onward, again. I try to install Netbeans 6 for Linux. Says it want a JDK
(the dread starts now). I'm on Kubuntu, so I go to Adept, find sun-jave6-jdk
- nothing else looks more likely - and install it. Now Netbeans says it
can't find it and I need to point the way. Huh? Don't have a clue.
Looking at the helpful (?) installed files list under the tab of the same
name in I see a long file list. Nothing seems clearly the answer to Netbeans
problems, so I throw a number of possibilities at it. Nothing works. Sigh.
Could someone who knows more please give me a clue here? I'm be most
I understand your dread - I have the same dread, and the same problems getting
Java + XYZ to work. I actually currently have a Netbeans install that
I have tried
to use the built-in plugin installer to install Ruby support - after
errors it knows nothing of Ruby. Busy re-downloading. I tried monkeybars and the
tutorials for a few hours and failed completely. Perhaps it is very
good, but it is
surely also very complicated.
After failing there I have been having quite a nice time with
Glade/Gtk. I am working on
a tutorial but in the meantime, below is a message I sent a friend as an intro.
Look at my previous post to this list for "glader" which should
convert your .glade
file to a program directly so get you started fast.
Also, be aware that the Glade form builder uses a bit of a different
form building philosophy if you
come from a VB/C#/VS environment. If you get stuck with it, mail me
and I'll help out. You just need to understand a few of the ideas and
you can build good-looking forms really quickly and easily in Glade.
Glade as a GUI builder works quite well on both Windows and Linux and had a fair
selection of ok looking Widgets.
Installing it on Linux is also quite easy - apt-get libglade2-ruby1.8
and glade-3 to pull in
most of what you need. Certain widgets have their own packages, so you may need
one of these, depending on which your Ruby program uses:
libgtk-mozembed-ruby - ruby binding of GtkMozEmbed, gecko renderer
libgtk-mozembed-ruby1.8 - ruby binding of GtkMozEmbed, gecko renderer
libgtkglext1-ruby - GTK+ GL extension bindings for the Ruby language
libgtkglext1-ruby1.8 - GTK+ GL extension bindings for the Ruby language
libgtkhtml2-ruby - GtkHTML bindings for the Ruby language
libgtkhtml2-ruby1.8 - GtkHTML bindings for the Ruby language
libgtksourceview1-ruby - GtkSourceView bindings for the Ruby language
libgtksourceview1-ruby1.8 - GtkSourceView bindings for the Ruby language
ie. apt-cache search libgtk|grep ruby
After that you build forms using glade-3 and run a little script
(ruby-glade-create-template) to
convert your XML glade files to Ruby programs. Well, almost. The
script creates a bit of
an example for you and doesn't actually SHOW the form as you may
expect. To show the
form, you need to access the GladeXML object that is created in the
form's initializer and
call something like @glade["window1"].show, where "window1" is the id
of the form you
want to show.
I am going to improve the script so that it makes things much more
seamless, for now
it's just a basic example-form-with-events creator. (see glader in prev post)
In Windows you need to download a few things:
Glade and Gtk:
There's a bit of a guide (minus glade) here:
Good luck!