Chris Croughton said:
23klines of diffs between the last draft and the released version?
No, between the last *public* draft and the released version. After
N869 there was N877 (a committee working document), the FDIS (Final
Draft International Standard, which is what was voted on by the powers
that be), and then the actual standard. And that includes header and
context lines, there are "only" 1042 hunks.
sounds like a recipe for releasing errors.
The vast majority of the changes were typesetting or indexing changes
(the index in N869 left a lot to be desired). That's what makes finding
the "interesting" changes challenging.
If they are like other diffs of text sources then most of them will be
meaningless differences in spacing and line wrapping.
Spacing and line wrapping have no significance in troff source files, so
there's little reason to change them unless the actual text changed.
But isn't there some version control which has a "changes since last
document" in English?
Not to that level of detail -- they tend to be things like "resolve
ballot comments" rather than a specific list of things that changed.
And they're per-file, they're not collated into an overall list. (For
what it's worth, the standard comprises 67 source files, one of which --
the index -- is automatically generated from the others.)
-Larry Jones
It's hard to be religious when certain people are never
incinerated by bolts of lightning. -- Calvin