Cliches are like assholes.
"Hello Tony,"
No need to be formal (seesh).
"it seems you don't have a lot to contribute to this (or any?)
Give to receive. (Or is that too a cliche?).
" I went through the trouble of reading all your posts in
this thread and the thread "C++ is complicated" again and the only
things that have stuck are:"
("only", as if you are omniscient).
"* STL is supposedly complicated."
I said "obfuscated", didn't I?
" It's more complicated than your container library."
From an implementation standpoint, yes. (You're not talking about design
outside of the language/syntax domain are you?) Think about it this way: why
would I have created and evolved something else if I thought STL was "the
"* You don't accept the STL being part of the C++ standard
library as an advantage"
Oh, so it's an "acceptance" thing huh. Like Catholicism! (Been there, didn't
do that).
" even though obvious arguments for this position have been mentioned."
I "steal" the STL algorithms (well a few or some, my patterns work).
Apparently, any "obvious arguments" have not been retained in my mind so
please be so kind as to reiterate them in response here. (The way my mind
works: I evaluate and after I do, it either stays in my mind as
useful/relevant or goes to the trash bin. Nothing apparently has been said
that I didn't hear a dozen years ago).
"* You prefer some "void*-based" container design (whatever
that means)"
I think I corrected the person that said that such a design is not type
safe. Look at it from my perspective: every time I hear such stuff, I wonder
if they indeed don't know or if they are propagandizing/marketeering. I have
no way of knowing!
"* You said that the STL's performance advantage "probably
doesn't matter"."
In many instances, even container choice makes little difference.
Personally, I use a container that fits the problem even if "a simple array"
could do it more efficiently a lot of times. If I was developing genome
programs or such, I would probably choose the highest performing beast
available: STL (template-based gives high perf). I think that the concept of
one library that would span the needs of a programmer that needs to develop
utility programs in adjunct to network/system administration, to the
scientific programmer, a non-practical idea. Rogue-Wave and Borland both
went to "enterprise development". Did they "cave in" because of the C++ std
library? I know how companies evolve. And when the substance walks out the
door (and gets "let go"), the company stagnates to a period of
inter-management boom ("enterprise" sounds kinda fitting huh?).
You're a bit behind the current times though apparently: you are saying that
if one uses C++, then the std C++ library is the way to go. I don't think
C++ is the way to go and haven't for quite awhile. It has been a great
learning experience, but times have changed.
"This goes along with a lack of arguments and accusations à la
"Propaganda!", "You're a marketeer", "Bitch.", etc."
Now you know "the rest of the story". Still feel the same?