displaying user inputed arrays


Isaac Toothyxdip

Isaac said:
Thanks that works!

but one thing i dont really get what is going on with (gets.scan
/[\w'-]*/) - [""] ?

could you explain it? like every party i under stand the gets and i
guess the scan reads whats entered but i dont really understand the
/[\w-]*/) then i guess the - [""] is the array that what ever is
scanned is added to

actually this doesnt work the way i want it to.

when i try to retrieve and array from that i think that the scan thing
returns it as a integer other then the string i need why is this?

this is the code that im using to do this:

places = ['first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth', 'fifth']
puts 'Please enter 5 words on the same line with spaces then press

answered = false
while not answered
input_words = (gets.scan /[\w-]*/) - [""]
if input_words.length > 5
puts "Please type in FIVE words no more: "
answered = true

input_words.each_with_index do |word, i|
puts "To view a word you picked type:\n 1: first word\n 2: second
word\n 3: third word\n 4: fourth word\n 5: fifth word"
answered = false
while not answered
num_answer = gets.chomp
case num_answer[0]
when '1'[0]
i = 0
answered = true
when '2'[0]
i = 1
answered = true
when '3'[0]
i = 2
answered = true
when '4'[0]
i = 3
answered = true
when '5'[0]
i = 4
answered = true
puts "Try again...enter a number 1 - 5 to see one of the words
you typed"
puts "The %s word you entered was %s" % [places, word]

Martin DeMello

Im not really wanting it to take only the first 5 words i want it to say
something if it is more then 5 words

print "Please type in 5 words with spaces inbetween them: "

answered = false
while not answered
a = [gets.chomp.split]
if a.length > 5
puts "Type in FIVE words no more:"

You're very close - it's simply a = gets.chomp.split (without the
square brackets). I recommend splitting on " " explicitly rather than
relying on it being the default.

a = gets.chomp.split(" ")

Note that what you did was create an array containing the return value
of gets.chomp.split:

input = "hello world"
a = input.split #=> ["hello", "world"]
a = [input.split] #=> [["hello", "world"]]

in the latter case, you get an array of length 1, whose only element
is an array of length 2.


Isaac Toothyxdip

The gets.chomp.split(" ") works for checking the amount of words but now
for my code it doesnt return the words

places = ['first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth', 'fifth']
puts 'Please enter 5 words on the same line with spaces then press

answered = false
while not answered
input_words = gets.chomp.split(" ")
if input_words.length > 5
puts "Please type in FIVE words no more: "
answered = true

input_words.each_with_index do |word, i|
puts "To view a word you picked type:\n 1: first word\n 2: second
word\n 3: third word\n 4: fourth word\n 5: fifth word"
answered = false
while not answered
num_answer = gets.chomp
case num_answer[0]
when '1'[0]
i = 0
answered = true
when '2'[0]
i = 1
answered = true
when '3'[0]
i = 2
answered = true
when '4'[0]
i = 3
answered = true
when '5'[0]
i = 4
answered = true
puts "Try again...enter a number 1 - 5 to see one of the words
you typed"
puts "The %s word you entered was %s" % [places, word]

it just returns "The (place) word you entered was" and thats it
i think its because now that its not in the brackets that when i do
word its not returning the array word[whatever]

Isaac Toothyxdip

sorry i dont think you can edit posts...
i found out that the amount of words that you enter is the amount of
times it loops the question to pick a word

Todd Benson

Isaac said:
Thanks that works!

but one thing i dont really get what is going on with (gets.scan
/[\w'-]*/) - [""] ?

could you explain it? like every party i under stand the gets and i
guess the scan reads whats entered but i dont really understand the
/[\w-]*/) then i guess the - [""] is the array that what ever is
scanned is added to

actually this doesnt work the way i want it to.

when i try to retrieve and array from that i think that the scan thing
returns it as a integer other then the string i need why is this?

this is the code that im using to do this:

places = ['first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth', 'fifth']
puts 'Please enter 5 words on the same line with spaces then press

answered = false
while not answered
input_words = (gets.scan /[\w-]*/) - [""]
if input_words.length > 5
puts "Please type in FIVE words no more: "

answered = true

a, n = nil
puts "Please enter 5 words"
until (a = (gets.scan /[\w'-]*/) - [""]).length == 5
puts "Please type in exactly FIVE words, thanks."
puts "You would like to print out which word number? (1-5)"
until (1..5).include? (n = gets.chomp.to_i)
puts "Please pick a number 1 through 5"
puts a[n - 1]


Todd Benson

Isaac said:
Thanks that works!

but one thing i dont really get what is going on with (gets.scan
/[\w'-]*/) - [""] ?

scan /[\w'-]*/

...returns an array of everything that matches the regular expression /[\w'-]*/

This returns every string that has zero or more of a word character
(\w), an apostrophe ('), or a hyphen (-). The - [""] part is to
subtract all empty strings from the array. I just noticed, however,
though that you can omit that last bit if you use /[\w'-]+/ instead
(the + instead of the *). That scans for _one_ or more, instead of
_zero_ or more characters.

Same code, but the scan changed...

a, n = nil
puts "Please enter 5 words"
until (a = gets.scan /[\w'-]+/).length == 5
puts "Please type in exactly FIVE words, thanks."
puts "You would like to print out which word number? (1-5)"
until (1..5).include? (n = gets.chomp.to_i)
puts "Please pick a number 1 through 5"
puts a[n - 1]


Isaac Toothyxdip

Thanks that really shortens up my code and works but i have a couple

a, n = nil
puts "Please enter 5 words"
until (a = (gets.scan /[\w'-]*/) - [""]).length == 5
puts "Please type in exactly FIVE words, thanks."
puts "You would like to print out which word number? (1-5)"
until (1..5).include? (n = gets.chomp.to_i)
puts "Please pick a number 1 through 5"
puts a[n - 1]

i under stand almost all of it (i just dont get what the - [""] does and
i think that means that it puts it into an array but the main questions
i have are why did you type a, n = nil that isnt needed and also why did
you type /[\w'-]*/) when /\w+/ works the same ... i think

Todd Benson

Thanks that really shortens up my code and works but i have a couple

a, n = nil
puts "Please enter 5 words"
until (a = (gets.scan /[\w'-]*/) - [""]).length == 5
puts "Please type in exactly FIVE words, thanks."
puts "You would like to print out which word number? (1-5)"
until (1..5).include? (n = gets.chomp.to_i)
puts "Please pick a number 1 through 5"
puts a[n - 1]

i under stand almost all of it (i just dont get what the - [""] does and

Try [1, 2, 3, 4] - [1, 4] to understand the methodology, - [""]
removes empty strings created by scan because /[\w'-]/ is not only
greedy, but _zero_or_more_, which means it will return empty strings
for characters you don't include (like spaces).
i think that means that it puts it into an array but the main questions
i have are why did you type a, n = nil that isnt needed

You're right. It isn't necessary. I thought it might be for scope reasons.
and also why did
you type /[\w'-]*/) when /\w+/ works the same ... i think

Yep, you're right accept you won't need the - [""] with /[\w'-]+/
because you won't get empty strings in the array with _one_or_more_ of
those characters (the + instead of the *).

I sort of tried to get that across with my last post.

I'm not saying the last code I posted (with +, not *, and without the
- [""]) is the best, but I like it because it sort of makes
grammatical sense.


Todd Benson

Thanks that really shortens up my code and works but i have a couple

a, n = nil
puts "Please enter 5 words"
until (a = (gets.scan /[\w'-]*/) - [""]).length == 5
puts "Please type in exactly FIVE words, thanks."
puts "You would like to print out which word number? (1-5)"
until (1..5).include? (n = gets.chomp.to_i)
puts "Please pick a number 1 through 5"
puts a[n - 1]

i under stand almost all of it (i just dont get what the - [""] does and

Try [1, 2, 3, 4] - [1, 4] to understand the methodology, - [""]
removes empty strings created by scan because /[\w'-]/ is not only
greedy, but _zero_or_more_, which means it will return empty strings
for characters you don't include (like spaces).

i think that means that it puts it into an array

I forgot to mention the #scan method is what creates an array.
but the main questions
i have are why did you type a, n = nil that isnt needed

You're right. It isn't necessary. I thought it might be for scope reasons.

and also why did
you type /[\w'-]*/) when /\w+/ works the same ... i think

I created a character class (the square brackets) that included \w and
' and - because "you're" is a word, as is "able-bodied". Like I said,
if you use the *, you will get several empty strings in the array the
the #scan method gives you, which you would have to subtract, but you
can bypass that ugliness with using the + instead.

hope that makes some sense,

Isaac Toothyxdip

Thanks you all for your help i have finished my code (so far) and just
have one question...
is this enough to be ready to move on to making a small game?

print "What is your name? "
name = gets.chomp
puts "Hello #{name}"

print "How many years old are you? "
years_old = gets.chomp.to_i
hours_old = (years_old * 365) * 24
puts "Your name is #{name} and your are #{hours_old} hours old"

answered = false #if person has answered y/n question
print "Do you want to know how many seconds old you are #{name}? (Y/N)"
while not answered #if the person hasnt answered (makes loop question if
wrong answer)
answer = gets.chomp
seconds_old = hours_old.to_i * 60 * 60

case answer.upcase[0] #makes first letter of the answer cap and and
when "Y"[0] #if first letter of answer is y, Y then... ([0] is
making y, Y first letter of array or answer)
puts "You are #{seconds_old} seconds old"
answered = true #leaves the while not loop
when "N"[0] #same as Y but with N
puts "Ok Then"
answered = true #leaves the while not loop
puts "Ummm...Yes or No?"

answered = false
puts "type in a number 1-100: "
while not answered
print_times = gets.chomp.to_i - 1
if print_times > 100
puts "Please enter a number between 1 and 100"
answered = true

answered = false
puts "ok now type in a word 1-10 letters long: "
while not answered
print_word = gets.chomp
if print_word.length > 10
puts "Please enter a word between 1 and 10 letters long"
answered = true
1.upto(print_times) do |q|
puts print_word + "\n"

places = ["first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth"]
puts "Please enter 5 words"
until (a = (gets.scan /\w+/) - [""]).length == 5
puts "Please type in exactly FIVE words, thanks."
puts "You would like to print out which word number? (1-5)"
until (1..5).include?(n = gets.chomp.to_i)
puts "Please pick a number 1 through 5"
puts "The #{places[n - 1]} word you choose was #{a[n - 1]}"

Tim Hunter

Isaac said:
Thanks you all for your help i have finished my code (so far) and just
have one question...
is this enough to be ready to move on to making a small game?

If coding up little programs like this interests you, I heartily
recommend Peter Cooper's _Beginning_Ruby_ book. It's got a lot of
fascinating examples aimed at people who are learning how to program in

Good luck!

Isaac Toothyxdip

Yeah i think its interesting to learn with but i hope to learn gui and
start making applications at some point.

Isaac Toothyxdip

Isaac said:
Yeah i think its interesting to learn with but i hope to learn gui and
start making applications at some point.

sorry i forgot to ask this what is the best to program gui in ruby?

ive heard of Tk and a few others im working on a mac so i would like one
that operates on all platforms and OS's.

The main problem is i dont really know where to start like what do i
need to do first and are there any good tutorials for coding GUI? Just
something to get started on a program that maybe creates text in a
window if a button is pressed maybe hello world?

Thanks in advance

Todd Benson

sorry i forgot to ask this what is the best to program gui in ruby?

ive heard of Tk and a few others im working on a mac so i would like one
that operates on all platforms and OS's.

The main problem is i dont really know where to start like what do i
need to do first and are there any good tutorials for coding GUI? Just
something to get started on a program that maybe creates text in a
window if a button is pressed maybe hello world?

Thanks in advance

I haven't played with it yet, but there's Shoes. You can find it at



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