"The style of safe modular XYZ programming tends to produce clean
designs". Valid for any language. The thing is, even if you(r
programmers) have the time and expertise to produce such a shiny clean
design, it won't stay that way. You have to plan for the worst case,
which is, your program will degenerate into a nasty mess, which is
usually the case, over time.
That's a self fulfilling prophecy. The moment you plan to
produce a nasty mess, you will. What you should do is organize
the projects so that they don't degenerate into a nasty mess.
I've worked on one or two C++ projects where the quality of the
code actually improved each iteration.
If you use a relatively low-level language such as C++, this
certainly _does_ effect your productivity.
If you insist on using the low-level features where they aren't
appropriate, this will definitely have a negative effect on your
productivity. But so will programming in Java without using the
standard library components (except those in java.lang). Modern
languages tend to be more or less modular, with more and more
abstraction pushed off into the library. C++ is an extreme case
in this regard.
I can't understand where you get the idea that it doesn't. A
more expressive language, preferrably one designed for or
adaptable to the problem domain, will in many cases produce a
dramatic improvement in productivity over the kind of manual
stone-breaking one is doing in C++.
Unless you're writing low level libraries, you're not doing
manual stone-breaking in C++. The actual coding I did in Java
was much lower level that what I currently do in C++ (but I've
also done very low level coding in C++).
High-level languages and domain-specific languages are usually
implemented with automatic memory management because of the
more abstract programming models being used.
Modern languages generally provide automatic memory management,
because it is something that can be automated efficiently. It's
helps, but it's not a silver bullet. And of course, some of us
regularly use automatic memory management in C++. Because C++
has value semantics, it's not as essential as in Java, but it
You can design and write the cleanest, shiniest modular C++
code, some mediocre programmer using a language that is more
expressive for the task at hand will beat you hands down.
Care to bet. Say, write some nice, simple to use components
which use complex arithmetic. (In this case, of course, the
difference isn't garbage collection, but operator overloading.
A necessity in any modern language, but missing in Java, or at
least, it was missing when I used Java.)
Maybe the reason why, as you allege, some kind of "strict
discipline" yields better results in C++ is because this is
the case for tasks where the language isn't that well suited
for, and one simply needs this discipline, otherwise one
cannot get useful results.
In general, a strict discipline is necessary in all programming.
I suspect that Juha's argument is that without this strict
discipline, a C++ program will typically crash (which generally
doesn't go unnoticed), where as a Java program will just give
wrong results. I disagree with his conclusions for several
reasons: most significantly, because with garbage collection in
C++, you can better guarantee the crashes, but also because I
don't see why good programmers should be deprived of a useful
tool simply because there are so many bad programmers around.
But the argument that strict discipline is good can't be