Anthony Jones
Anthony Jones - MVP ASP/ASP.NET
Like I said what the Enter key does varies depending on what Excel
intelligently interprets what you want it to do.
No, why would I press the tab, there are no other fields to navigate to
Again the cacluator is not representive of the species. It doesn't even
give the one input control it has the focus.
Enter does what you would expect it to in a standard UI, completes the
operation, (even though the calc doesn't really conform otherwise) it isn't
being used for field navigation.
Anthony Jones - MVP ASP/ASP.NET
Bob Barrows said:So does Enter, which is a boon for people entering a lot of numeric
Like I said what the Enter key does varies depending on what Excel
intelligently interprets what you want it to do.
Open Calculater and perform this calculation without using the mouse:
What key did you press instead of clicking the "=" button? I doubt it
was tab ;-)
No, why would I press the tab, there are no other fields to navigate to
Think of an accountant entering a list of numbers from a printout or a
bunch of receipts or invoices: she will use her left hand to keep track
of where she is, and her right hand to enter the values using the number
pad. Think of the loss of productivity if she had to use the Tab key
instead of the Enter key on the number pad.
Again the cacluator is not representive of the species. It doesn't even
give the one input control it has the focus.
Enter does what you would expect it to in a standard UI, completes the
operation, (even though the calc doesn't really conform otherwise) it isn't
being used for field navigation.