

Phillip Gawlowski

Hash: SHA1

Robert Dober wrote:
| On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 6:27 PM, Phillip Gawlowski
|> Hash: SHA1
|> Robert Dober wrote:
|> | Dear native speakers
|> |
|> | I have been quite bothered with the usage of the word "dude" recently.
|> A good translation of 'dude' would be 'Kumpel'. A synonym something like
|> 'buddy' or 'pal'.
| It was quite what I thought, although I would be honored to be called
| dude by someone I have posted with for years now I dislike the idea of
| being called Dude by someone whom I barely know.

Culture clash, really. The US (and especially California) are less
formal than Germany. Heck, English even dropped the 'thou', where as we
still have the 'Sie'. :)

As I've remarked else where: The US and German cultures are significant
enough to make the differences all the more pronounced.

(Really, when calling a call center, I'm on a first-name basis with the
call agents in the US. :p)

- --
Phillip Gawlowski
Twitter: twitter.com/cynicalryan
Blog: http://justarubyist.blogspot.com

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Petite Abeille

I will put it this way, you should not call somebody dude unless you
have herded sheep with her ;). (Comes from a French idiomatic =20

Cows, not sheep, i.e.:

"Avoir gard=E9 les vaches ensemble" or not...

Robert Dober

Culture clash, really. The US (and especially California) are less
formal than Germany. Heck, English even dropped the 'thou', where as we
still have the 'Sie'. :)
Rather a generation clash, I used to life in the States and ind South
Africa about 20 to 15 years ago, dude was used between friends,
especially "Hey dude" with a big smile, I feel it is just too personal
As I've remarked else where: The US and German cultures are significant
I am *not* German, I am only Austrian, as you might know we have some
culture clashes too ;)
enough to make the differences all the more pronounced.

(Really, when calling a call center, I'm on a first-name basis with the
call agents in the US. :p)
They better call me Sir, as I do (unless it's a lady ;).

Michael Guterl

[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

Hash: SHA1

On May 17, 2008, at 2:40 PM, Robert Klemme wrote:

What is the sound of one duck typing?
An what does the dude[1] himself think of all this?

The dude abides. Seriously.

Michael Guterl

J. Cooper

To clarify, "dude" is not always used as a term for someone; it can be a
general expression, often meaning something like "whoa."

Dude! That was crazy.

(Similar to "Man! That was crazy!" -- that doesn't necessarily mean you
are calling someone "man".)

Perhaps it's a California thing :p

Petite Abeille

You are the native speaker, but I know that my wife says "gard=E9 les
chevres ensemble", she is from Britany, maybe local differences?

Goats in Britany? Very unlikely. Something must have been lost in =20
translation then :)

Robert Dober

Goats in Britany? Very unlikely. Something must have been lost in
translation then :)
I know this is completely OT now, but this is a very open community so
I dare to continue, after all it is interesting some people ;)
Goat was it, right, I knew that chevre !=3D sheep but goat did not
spring into mind.
Well that's what she says, you can be very surprised in languages,
especially in French.
To Rick: very interesting point I never visited the West Coast, maybe
dude has a different meaning over there. And I guess that you are
every Frenchwoman would understand "On n'a pas gard=E9 les x ensemble"
for a large set of x ;) especially in social context which we do not
have on the list.



Robert Klemme

On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 6:58 PM, Phillip Gawlowski

I am *not* German, I am only Austrian, as you might know we have some
culture clashes too ;)

Why "only"? Are you lacking something compared to us Germans (like
access to the sea or Deutsche Gemütlichkeit)? :)



Robert Dober

Why "only"? Are you lacking something compared to us Germans (like acces= s
to the sea or Deutsche Gem=FCtlichkeit)? :)



Wow I wrote "only" there is no doubt that I feel inferior, I was not
aware of that, where is my Psy :-0
Well spotted Robert, and apologies in case this is read by fellow Austrians=

John Maclean

What's wrong with "chap"?

I know this is completely OT now, but this is a very open community so
I dare to continue, after all it is interesting some people ;)
Goat was it, right, I knew that chevre !=3D sheep but goat did not
spring into mind.
Well that's what she says, you can be very surprised in languages,
especially in French.
To Rick: very interesting point I never visited the West Coast, maybe
dude has a different meaning over there. And I guess that you are
every Frenchwoman would understand "On n'a pas gard=C3=A9 les x ensemble"
for a large set of x ;) especially in social context which we do not
have on the list.

Robert Dober

I am not a native speaker, but I think you really need to relax.

You might be right of course and I do not take that advice badly, at
the contrary :).
I had something else in mind too, the list itself, but I guess that I
can conclude from your remark that duding around is not a problem :)
I feel somhow sorry though as I really thought it was a word reserved
for close friends, but that is the rule of languages, they just

Thx again.

DJ Jazzy Linefeed

You might be right of course and I do not take that advice badly, at
the contrary :).
I had something else in mind too, the list itself, but I guess that I
can conclude from your remark that duding around is not a problem :)
I feel somhow sorry though as I really thought it was a word reserved
for close friends, but that is the rule of languages, they just

Thx again.

It's all good, dude.

Martin DeMello

Dear native speakers

I have been quite bothered with the usage of the word "dude" recently.
Not that I dislike the word itself but I feel it should be reserved to
friends using it in a quite informal context.
Am I wrong and do I have to adapt or is there some kind of agreement
with my POV?

A common usage, especially in a single-word sentence, is "You have
said something unexpected that I disagree with". The tone is neither
hostile nor intimate - it just says "I'm not picking a fight over
this; I just have a friendly disagreement with you".


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