Le 4/9/10 5:26 AM, DL a écrit :
we well see the problem but ...
I would have preferred to see the html page itself
ie. to understand how this editor works and what can cause this phenomenon
it seems that the iframe disappears and the editing is done outside of it..
Without the code my cristal ball doesn't give me the solution
<img onclick="var x =
src="icons/list_ordered.gif" style="valign:bottom;width:25;height:
20" />
<input type="button" id="MakeBold" accesskey="B" onclick="var l =
value="B" style="background-image:url('icons/bold.gif');width:
25;height:23" />
id="textbox1" name="textbox1" onload="document.frames
['textbox1'].document.designMode='on';" contenteditable="true"
I thought I've found the culprit, that is, the bullet list element, I
use image tag instead of input, so, I changed it to
<input type="image" onclick="var x =
();x.execCommand('InsertOrderedList');x.select();" src="icons/
style="valign:bottom;width:25;height:20" />
but still to no avail.
The complete set of rendered HTML code is very messy.