Frederick Gotham said:
I expect an apology from you once you have confirmed my innocence --
For the record, he has already done so (elsethread). He got you mixed up
with someone else.
anything less would portray you as a malicious, inhospitable person.
You make a great contribution to the group, Keith, and I regularly find
your posts interesting -- but your elevated status on this group does not
warrant the malicious behaviour you have displayed.
Keith hasn't displayed any malicious behaviour. He's just pointing out a
kook's multiple IDs for the benefit of anyone who hasn't spotted them yet,
and he accidentally caught your name up in the middle of it, for which, as
I say, he has already apologised.
If Keith has an "elevated status" on this group, it is because he is a
helpful, intelligent subscriber who is knowledgeable about the C language.
But he is not perfect. He makes mistakes, as we all do.
Twice to my knowledge, you have over-reacted to being corrected. This time,
you have over-reacted to a case of mistaken identity - with, it must be
said, rather more justification this time.
But in your own interests, you might want to consider dialing your
touchiness back to about 2 or 3. Right now, it's so high it's annoying the