There are far easier ways to gain a basic knowledge about CGI than
studying the source code, aren't there?
Yes: you wouldn't want to study the source code without the basic
knowledge. But the basic knowledge is only the starting point to
practical expertise in deploying CGI scripts in the hostile light of
a WWW situation.
(I thought we'd agreed to draw a line under this, but anyway...)
While the user is learning the details, is taking care
of the basic blunders that they're likely to make. Whereas those who
insist on hand-knitting their own code (which is commendable enough as
a learning experience) and then making the mistake of actually using
it in production in a WWW environnment, are doomed to producing open
mail relays, web proxies, and heaven knows what else before they get a
proper feeling for web security.
In that sense, those who know *enough* to be able to write their own
code safely have no need of our advice here - but those who need to
ask would be better steered towards peer-reviewed modules such as unti such time as they're ready to take their own decisions.
I think I'm ready to take my own decisions now, and 9 times out of 10
my decision is to choose That 1 exception probably causes me
more work than all the other 9 added together.
good night