Pretty much. Why did multiple attempts at getting the Nilges string
replacement code debugged fail after hours of effort? Because it was hard
You're lying: the console output from the current version is at the
end of this response. Also, the next time you start a thread using the
word "efficiency", use a dictionary.
You and Richard Heathfield need to LEAVE. This is because you both
have a track record of LYING in this and other newsgroups because you
are using them DISHONESTLY to advance yourself in a profession for
which you are not qualified.
to read. Code which is hard to read is hard to maintain. Code which is
hard to maintain will start buggy. It will remain buggy despite debugging
efforts. It will become buggy whenever feature work needs to be done.
This ties in some to the debate about "software engineering". What would
people think of someone who claimed to be an "engineer", but who designed
bridges so elaborately complicated that no one could figure out which parts
were load-bearing?
I don't claim to be an engineer. Do you, oh finder and sender on of
bugs who could not find the bugs in my code? If I were your manager, I
would in fact be very concerned that you could not do so when to do so
would have scored the points you so pathetically try to score here.
Software engineering is "how to program if you cannot", as Dijkstra
has said. You might need it. I don't. But you are by no stretch of the
imagination, an "engineer". Real engineers don't lie, because in
genuine engineering jobs, as opposed to computing jobs which in many
cases constitute welfare for white males, you lie like you do, you GO
This is why I don't take Nilges seriously when he rants about the design
of C. He's demonstrated conclusively that he has no clue about competent
design, and someone who can't build even simple programs correctly is not
qualified to comment on any programming language.
You're lying. This thread in fact makes me very glad that I am no
longer a programmer, for commencing with the election of Reagan, I saw
the entry of people like you destroy workgroups and companies. I saw
the hiring of unqualified people (some with psychology in place of
compsci degrees, and, worse, zero interest in autodidactic computer
science) destroy the Mountain View site of Bell Northern Research.
Structured walkthroughs became savage and inane by turns, unqualified
people took trips and junkets, and around Christmas of 1985, while I
was working late on a 24 bit version of the SL.1 compiler, a holiday
party in another part of the building was ending in property damage
and drunken fistfights.
I saw people like you (including self-hating homosexuals) destroy
Catapult Software Training's Chicago office with your type of lies, as
For let us not speak falsely now the hour is much too late.
You're lying. The code I posted and in which I have fixed all problems
reported to date has worked better than anything you've posted, and
YOU NEVER FIXED the %s bug that was in the code that started this
discussion! The other code samples you posted contained bugs, but your
rule seems to be "my mistakes must be forgiven, the 'heap' is a DOS
term, but if anyone I don't like, or need to ass-kiss, makes a
mistake, I'll be on his errors like a fly on shit".
Anyone here can go to the code a few posts above and download it,
compile and run it to get the following console output to verify that
you are lying, as you lied maliciously and libelously about Herb
Schildt, damaging his reputation in order to create a dishonest
impression that you are a qualified programmer, which YOU ARE NOT.
I have carefully documented how the Google Groups browser may make
minor modifications which a competent technician, WHICH YOU ARE NOT,
can fix them. Whereas you created a new thread, misspelling its title,
that started with a lie and here, continues with a lie. The code you
posted is crap and doesn't solve the problem which was to do the
replace() without using string.h.
You talk about "software quality" in the corporate register which must
of necessity take ownership of the term while not ever admitting that
the speaker-writer may not know his ass from a hole in the ground.
This is the register of people who do not know their trade and who are
complete frauds.
Whereas I am discussing a real programming problem, and working with
the real professionals here, like Ike Naar, Santosh, IO_x, and
Bacarisse, I have been able AS INTENDED to debug collaboratively
showing twerps like you (who isn't, apparently, trusted to actually
code real software at his job) how it's done. I've got the code into
the state it's in, no thanks to you, where it does, I believe, the
minimal amount of work without requiring the tables that more advanced
algorithms require.
This display of competence and professionalism, by someone returning
to C after almost 20 years, along with the competence and
professionalism of Naar, Santosh, et al., has exposed you and you are
lashing out with lies, Lash Larue.
The jig is up.
Replace "111123" by "ono" in
Expect "1onobbb1onobbb11123bb1ono1111112111ono":
Replacements expected: 4: replacements: 4
Replace "111123" by "ono" in "bbb1111123bbbbb"
Expect "bbb1onobbbbb":
Replacements expected: 1: replacements: 1
Replace "stupid error" by "miracle" in "a stupid error"
Expect "a miracle":
"a miracle"
Replacements expected: 1: replacements: 1
Replace "stupid" by "miracle" in "a stupid error"
Expect "a miracle error":
"a miracle error"
Replacements expected: 1: replacements: 1
Replace "the stupid error" by "a miracle" in "the stupid error"
Expect "a miracle":
"a miracle"
Replacements expected: 1: replacements: 1
Replace "the" by "a" in "the miracle"
Expect "a miracle":
"a miracle"
Replacements expected: 1: replacements: 1
Replace "snirpKamunkle" by "e" in "a miraclsnirpKamunkle"
Expect "a miracle":
"a miracle"
Replacements expected: 1: replacements: 1
Replace "a miracle" by "" in "a miraclesnirpKamunkle"
Expect "snirpKamunkle":
Replacements expected: 1: replacements: 1
Replace "a miracle" by "" in " a miraclesnirpKamunkle"
Expect " snirpKamunkle":
" snirpKamunkle"
Replacements expected: 1: replacements: 1
Replace "a miracle" by "" in " a miraclesnirpKamunklea miraclea
Expect " snirpKamunkle":
" snirpKamunkle"
Replacements expected: 3: replacements: 3
Replace "a miracle" by "" in "a miracle a miraclesnirpKamunkle a
Miraclea miraclea miracle"
Expect " snirpKamunkle a Miracle":
" snirpKamunkle a Miracle"
Replacements expected: 4: replacements: 4
Replace "stupid error" by "miracle" in "a stupid errord"
Expect "a miracled":
"a miracled"
Replacements expected: 1: replacements: 1
Replace "stupid error" by "miracle" in "a stupid errod"
Expect "a stupid errod":
"a stupid errod"
Replacements expected: 0: replacements: 0
Replace "stupid error" by "miracle" in "a sstupid error"
Expect "a smiracle":
"a smiracle"
Replacements expected: 1: replacements: 1
Replace "stupid error" by "miracle" in "a stupid errorstupid error"
Expect "a miraclemiracle":
"a miraclemiracle"
Replacements expected: 2: replacements: 2
Replace "stupid error" by "miracle" in "a stupid error stupiderror"
Expect "a miracle stupiderror":
"a miracle stupiderror"
Replacements expected: 1: replacements: 1
Replace "b" by "a" in "bbbbbbbbbb"
Expect "aaaaaaaaaa":
Replacements expected: 10: replacements: 10
Replace "%s" by "Cthulu" in "In the halls of R'yleh great %s lies
Expect "In the halls of R'yleh great Cthulu lies dreaming":
"In the halls of R'yleh great Cthulu lies dreaming"
Replacements expected: 1: replacements: 1
Replace "%s" by "Cthulu" in "%s%s%s%s%s%s"
Expect "CthuluCthuluCthuluCthuluCthuluCthulu":
Replacements expected: 6: replacements: 6
Replace "ana" by "oat" in "banana"
Expect "boatna":
Replacements expected: 1: replacements: 1
Replace "stupid error" by "+" in " a stupid errorstupid errorHeystupid
Expect " a ++Hey+s":
" a ++Hey+s"
Replacements expected: 3: replacements: 3
Replace "foo bar" by "bas" in "foo barfoo barf"
Expect "basbasf":
Replacements expected: 2: replacements: 2
Replace "ba" by "ba" in "abab"
Expect "abab":
Replacements expected: 1: replacements: 1
Replace "bab" by "boop" in "abab"
Expect "aboop":
Replacements expected: 1: replacements: 1
Replace "ana" by "ono" in "banana"
Expect "bonona":
Replacements expected: 1: replacements: 1
Replace "x" by "b" in "a"
Expect "a":
Replacements expected: 0: replacements: 0
Replace "x" by "b" in "x"
Expect "b":
Replacements expected: 1: replacements: 1
Replace "egregious" by "egregious" in "egregious"
Expect "egregious":
Replacements expected: 1: replacements: 1
Replace "egregious" by "x" in "egregious"
Expect "x":
Replacements expected: 1: replacements: 1
Testing complete: check output carefully: "Assertion failed" should
not occur!