David Mark wrote:
Marijn wrote:
(Hey Kenny.. fancy finding you here. Thanks for the moral support!)
Yes, where's a shill when you need one? Oh, right here in this thread
started by his friend. What a coincidence.
PWUAHAHAHA!! I thought the name looked familiar, but all you
names look the same so I didn't think twice.
A bit glib.
So your premise is that we cleverly arranged the whole thing in order
to make a huge impression on this very important -- PWUAHAHHHAHAHAA
-- on this very important group of -- PWUAUAHHHAHHAJHAHHOHHOAHHHAA --
gasp gasp -- OK, and then Marijn accidentally blew it by --
PWAUUAUAUAUAUHAHHHAHAHAH -- I'm gonna pee! -- hang on, I'll be right
back.... OK, because of all the money to be made from a free ---
PWUAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAA!!!!! I can't do it!!....whew! Good one! Thx!!
Sure, there's some entertainment value in what's-his-name's posts, but
I gotta tell you this group become /much/ more tolerable (and
noticeably shorter) when I added him to my killfile.
I haven't added followups to him to the killfile yet, but fortunately
folks usually do some decent editing and just leave the funny bits.