Jay O'Connor
Bengt said:What languages are you thinking of? A concrete example for comparison would
clarify things.
One example that had not occurred to me until reading this thread has to
do with how Smalltalk methods are built. Since Smalltalk doesn't allow
for default parameters, one very common idiom is for a developer to
create a sort of 'cascade' effect of multiple methods. The full method
will require all the paremeters,but one or more of the more common ways
of using the method will be provided which just turn around and call the
main method with some default parameter provided for the paramaters not
beiing specified.
An example:
Canvas>>drawShape: aShape color: aColor pen: aPen
"do all the drawing in this method."
Now, if the developer decides that often the color or pen are going to
be pretty standard he may provide some 'convenience methods' that other
developers can call that in turn just call the main method with defaults.
Canvas>>drawShape: aShape
"Use default color of balck and a solid pen"
^self drawShape: aShape color: #black pen: #solid
Canvas>>drawShape: aShape color: aColor
^self drawShape: aShape color: aColor pen: #solid
Canvas>>drawShape: aShape pen: aPen
^self drawShape: aShape: color: #black pen: aPen.
This can be a built akward to write sometimes, but makes life pretty
nice for the other developers. This is not alwasy the case but just
based on what the developer thinks are going to be likely patterns of use.
What came to mind, of course, is that this allows the defaults to be
Canvas>>drawShape: aShape
^self drawShape: aShape color: self currentColor pen: self currentPen
You are still providing defaults, but the defaults are based on the
current state of the system at execution, not at compile time. This is
actually a fairly common idiom in Smalltalk, but Smalltalk's mechanism
for method signatures is fairly unique and happens to support this
approach well.