I still don't get it. Each and every byte combination is still valid
in a binary file, therefore it *cannot* be used as eof marker.
A trivial example would be an MS-DOS-like hybrid system on which the
byte 0xA1 would indicate the end of each file (text or binary). [Not
a typo; I specifically changed it from 0x1A so that EOF could be
#defined to be 0xA1A1 on this hypothetical 16-bit system.]
"But then how does a program represent the literal byte 0xA1 on
the disk?" you ask. Simple -- escape codes. For example, the EOF
code could be 0xA1A1, and the escape code for the literal byte 0xA1
could be 0xA100 (big-endian). This would satisfy all the requirements
of the C standard on file systems (i.e., precious few), while being
technically possible.
Heck, you could even Huffman-encode every single file on the system
to save space, and use some rare codon to indicate EOF. That's getting
closer to what I think James means by "a compressed filesystem."
That's true and irrelevant in the case of text files. My point is that
your scheme simply does not work for binary files.
[In case Dan hasn't already thought of this: fseek() is not required
to run in constant time. Binary files don't have to be random-access
in their "natural state"; it just happens that all existing systems
do it that way.]
Furthermore, EOF
is a C macro having no connection with whatever mechanism the
implementation uses to detect the end of a file. All we know about it
is that it expands to a negative integer value.
Correct, of course. But I just gave a possible implementation
on which the system's EOF marker, 0xA1A1, is exactly the same value
as the C compiler's EOF value. So James' scenario is not impossible,
merely implausible. Heck, for all I know it might be *common* on
some highly esoteric platforms! ;-)