[EVALUATION] - E01: The Java Failure - May Ruby Helps?

  • Thread starter Ilias Lazaridis
  • Start date

Stephen Kellett

Stephan Kämper said:
I can remember pretty well sitting (closely) in front of a TV set with
a friend of mine - one browsing Rodney Zaks' 'Programming the Z-80'
the other typing hex code into REM lines. Was that pair programming
already? ;-)
Ahhh, those were the days...

Yeah I remember a friend had just the ZX81, no ram pack. We played
Defender in 1K! Awesome - well not really, but...

I had a VIC-20, so had Rodney Zak's 6502 book - still have it.


Luke Graham

This is truly a superior troll. He started well, with a web-site that even
described itself as "fictive", got replies to his inane questions (even from
me :), prompted interesting discussions about other topics, got goatse
AND tubgirl to be posted, claimed to be "closing the thread", which got
MORE responses, and now hes drawing people into further discussion,
even asking for apologies in a puppy-dog manner. This troll has
incorporated all the advanced trolling features refined over the years in
the cradles of usenet and slashdot. I take my hat off to you, Sir Troll.
I wait with baited breath to find out where you take us next. Its a shame
that cross-posting isnt as effective with mailing lists as it is with usenet,
you could have tried to get this list arguing with another, as some of
your legendary forebears have done.

Mathieu Bouchard

I would like to tell you that we have uncovered your real identity.
You are generated by a bunch of sociologists that are into male
dominant behaviour research.

I think it's more along the lines of testing how long it takes for very
benevolent people to snap at thoroughly frustrating blackhole/vampire
people. The problem with testing that in the wild, is that it does have a
chilling effect on *real* benevolent people.
Or you are just a Turing Test gone very very wrong.

I'd say it's more like an acute manic episode: delusions of grandeur,
superiority, and entitlement. But I Am Not A Psychiatrist.
Please do me the favor of answering: My post was trying to cut right trough
the sterility. Please, show some emotion here.

I don't think showing emotion is the key here. Showing some ability to
reason is the key (this is an intellectual forum), although the handling
of emotions has a very damn large impact on the ability to reason and/or
communicate, and so is indirectly key... Anyway I think emotion showed
through his posts and not in a nice way...

That's all said assuming he's not faking, although faking is likely too.
Whatever it is, happy trolling !

happy cynicism !

PS: I have a better web curiousity for you all, more relevant and not
obscene: http://timecube.com/

Mathieu Bouchard -=- Montréal QC Canada -=- http://artengine.ca/matju

Ilias Lazaridis

Kaspar said:
(In response to by Ilias Lazaridis)

[entiry post snipped]

Hello Ilias,

I would like to tell you that we have uncovered your real identity. You are
generated by a bunch of sociologists that are into male dominant behaviour

My main goals are those which i've announce.

The "male dominant behaviour" [or: male inability to control egoism] is
a very intresting and essential topic within IT.

It has a deep impact on system-evolution-speed.
Or you are just a Turing Test gone very very wrong.

I don't like "Turing Tests":

LISP - 2 exponent 0 = 1
Please do me the favor of answering: My post was trying to cut right trough
the sterility. Please, show some emotion here.

Sorry, I prefere females.
Whatever it is, happy trolling !

Thank's a lot.

code manufacture - ruby lab


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