Dave Hansen said:
City? <shudder>. I moved out of the 'burbs of Minneapolis about 6
years ago, not because of the weather, but because it was getting too
crowded for me.
Yep, city -- specifically on Broadway, close to Briant Park (walking
distance from Times Square). Definitely too crowded for you.
How 'bout Des Moines, or Madison? Or even Lubbock? Traverse City
would be ideal, though there's no large university nearby (you can
probably guess my biases...).
Or even the Twin Cities? I still have friends there, and might be
coaxed back. (Yeah, like Google wants to coax _me_ ;-)
The full current list of locations and openings:
• Arizona - Phoenix (24 types of openings)
• California - Mountain View (455 types of openings)
• California - Irvine (12 types of openings)
• California - Santa Monica (33 types of openings)
• Colorado - Denver (1 type of opening)
• Georgia - Atlanta (14 types of openings)
• Illinois - Chicago (12 types of openings)
• Massachusetts - Boston (5 types of openings)
• Michigan - Ann Arbor (3 types of openings)
• Michigan - Detroit (4 types of openings)
• New York - New York (92 types of openings)
• Oregon - Portland (1 type of opening)
• Pennsylvania - Pittsburgh (1 type of opening)
• Texas - Dallas (1 type of opening)
• Washington D.C. (3 types of openings)
• Washington - Kirkland (26 types of openings)
• Washington - Seattle (5 types of openings)
• West Coast (1 type of opening)
• Any Location (USA or Canada) (13 types of openings)
Not all the openings are technical, e.g. the one opening in Denver is
for an Account Strategist in Advertising Sales, and those that are may
require skills very different from yours, e.g. the one opening in
Portland is for a Linux System Administrator. The one location where
you're most likely to find an opening for your skills is Mountain View,
e.g. we do require experience in C (and assembly) programming in
embedded environments in an opening for "Senior Hardware Engineer"
(which however also requires hardware architecture and design) and some
other positions (which also require other skills, such as Control
Systems with experience in sensor interfaces, for example). But if you
only want wide open, uncrowded spaces, Google may not have a suitable
opening for you... yet;-).