Tanaka Akira
Joel VanderWerf said:That post (148436) suggests that the native thread running the
interpreter is not blocked, and the only danger of blocking is in the
*ruby* thread reading the socket. Is that right? A bad UDP packet won't
stop other ruby threads?
Ruby threads is not native threads.
In [ruby-talk:148436], the entire process is not blocked because
O_NONBLOCK is used.
I tried to hang ruby with
hping2 --udp -p 9999 -b
but the socket did not block.
I can see the entire process blocking with following script.
server% uname -a
Linux nute 2.6.8-2-686 #1 Thu May 19 17:53:30 JST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux
server% ./ruby -rsocket -e '
Thread.new { 1000.times {|i| p i; sleep 1 } }
u = UDPSocket.new; u.bind("", 2000)
p u.recv(100)'
client% hping2 --udp --count 1 --badcksum --destport 2000 server