Dr J R Stockton
In comp.lang.javascript message <[email protected]
oglegroups.com>, Tue, 3 Jul 2007 17:50:59, Richard <RichardDummyMailbox5
(e-mail address removed)> posted:
As already advised, read the newsgroup FAQ. AIUI, you are old enough to
have learned that you don't know everything.
No; he usually posts assiduously. He too, of course, should be using a
more indicative signature, for reasons in, IIRC, FYI28/RFC1855.
oglegroups.com>, Tue, 3 Jul 2007 17:50:59, Richard <RichardDummyMailbox5
(e-mail address removed)> posted:
What does "over-quote" mean in the context of my submissions?
As already advised, read the newsgroup FAQ. AIUI, you are old enough to
have learned that you don't know everything.
In my experience, newsgroups that care about unique "handles" have
declined to allow me to use a pre-existing handle when I subscribed.
This newsgroup declined to indicate that a subscriber "Richard"
existed, so this duplication doesn't seem to matter. Besides, with
thousands of subscribers, it appears to mre unlikely that the other
"Richard" and I will post to the same thread. Don't you agree?
No; he usually posts assiduously. He too, of course, should be using a
more indicative signature, for reasons in, IIRC, FYI28/RFC1855.