Am 28.04.2013 05:35, schrieb Arne Vajhøj:
ProcessBuilder provides some functionality.
Hmm. I find that argument dangerous, as it given the a free pass to
implement whatever they want - however badly they want ...
If you need more or different functionality, then use JNI
to write your own stuff.
.... and then claim
Running external processes is not really platform independent,
so you do not loose that.
Are you saying, that they should have never attempted to convert an
array of arguments into a command line string on Windows? Because that
would exactly be one of my points. Recall the fact, that documentation
already mentions the possibility of proper platform dependent behaviour.
Or are you somehow trying to defend the faulty escaping they implemented
to make it seem like a cross-platform API?
Because at the moment, we're stuck with something broken which is
neither platform dependent nor independent. We neither have a platform
dependent API (e.g. taking arrays of arguments on UNIX and a single
argument on Windows) and neither a platform independent API (which
properly converts an argument array to an argument string).