external javascript not working



"Jonathan N. Little said:
Not restricted to a Mac.

Really? My my, how jumpy you are!
I do the same things with my PHOTO-Paint via
VBA and even with IrfanView (freeware) via macro... I have various Perl
and batch file scripts that automate all kinds of things including
backups and archives. All OS's have this capabilities, just most Windows
users are ignorant of anything beyond the GUI and most Mac folks I know
are even more so...

Let's *not* take a close look, of course, at this last stinging rebuke.
You have evidence that the majority of Mac users are less ignorant of
beyond the GUI than the majority of Windows users. Your database looks
like... ? But never mind your database, what about the meaning? Clearly
not in terms of the mass of ignorance - like maybe hundreds of million
to 1? So in terms of some average eh?

Well, whacko-the-diddly-o mate!

(For the public record, some of my best friends use Windows.)

Jonathan N. Little

dorayme said:
Really? My my, how jumpy you are!

Your remarks "AppleScript for one thing has been part and parcel of Macs
through many OSs. And there are many facilities in Macs to automate
stuff apart" seemed to suggest a feature reserved to Macs
Let's *not* take a close look, of course, at this last stinging rebuke.
You have evidence that the majority of Mac users are less ignorant of
beyond the GUI than the majority of Windows users.

Said "Mac folks I know"
Your database looks
like... ?

My database? Not sure what that has to do with Mac and batch scripting.

I do have databases, there on Linux, I have MS Access but it really
blows...don't use it.
But never mind your database, what about the meaning? Clearly
not in terms of the mass of ignorance - like maybe hundreds of million
to 1? So in terms of some average eh?

Well, whacko-the-diddly-o mate!

(For the public record, some of my best friends use Windows.)

I'll forgive you that you use a Mac ;-)

Personally I despise the Mac popping windows thingies and this Vista
creature, loath is a good word... Old Win98|2000 had one of the most
useful UI in my opinion.


"Jonathan N. Little said:
Your remarks "AppleScript for one thing has been part and parcel of Macs
through many OSs. And there are many facilities in Macs to automate
stuff apart" seemed to suggest a feature reserved to Macs

And what did my phrase "Old Mac hands..." suggest to you? What does
anything suggest? The fact is that almost anything that is said can be
interpreted in many ways. There were other interpretations open to you.
Like, here is dorayme, poor sod, just chewing the fat and saying what it
has experienced, no more, no less. No heavy implications or suggestions.
More an agreement with the person to whom it was replying than anything

They said, when I left my home planet, do I want to take an interpreter
along. I said, "Hey, I was top of the English class in my year and I am
going to an English speaking country, why do I need an interpreter. They
said "It's your life dorayme, have it your way!" Soon as I got here, I
knew exactly what they meant, it was raining like hell, awful day and
the first human that came up to me said "G'day!" and I immediately
argued with him.

I had not learnt Australian. I should have brought an
interpreter/chaperone/aide along. Such an aide could have edited my
Said "Mac folks I know"

My database? Not sure what that has to do with Mac and batch scripting.
I meant the imaginary one consisting of your evidence for that Mac folk
are more ignorant than Windows folk in some respects (all good tabular
data when you do it right). There is a theoretical difficulty with
absolute clarity, every sentence needs to be charitably interpreted. But
I admit, perhaps it was a bit naughty of me not to have been clearer. OK?

I'll forgive you that you use a Mac ;-)

Personally I despise the Mac popping windows thingies

I have absolutely no idea what you mean? But this will not stop me
having the highest regard for your coding skills. Continue to use
Windows and your real name. I feel pretty easy going today. Almost human
after a weekend of delirious flu!

Jonathan N. Little

OSX window effects and decor. This propensity for all OS makers to
substitute eye-candy over functional features. I fault Mr. Jobs in that
area, I preferred is former partner Steve's vision for Apple, but hey,
look who is the billionaire!
I have absolutely no idea what you mean? But this will not stop me
having the highest regard for your coding skills. Continue to use
Windows and your real name. I feel pretty easy going today. Almost human
after a weekend of delirious flu!

Seems to be a widespread ailment of global nature, many of my friends
have been affected across this continent. I seem to have dodged it so far.

Well look luck and progress in your further convalescence, may this
terrestrial malady have poor traction on your extraterrestrial


"Jonathan N. Little said:
dorayme wrote:

Then said:
OSX window effects and decor. This propensity for all OS makers to
substitute eye-candy over functional features. I fault Mr. Jobs in that
area, I preferred is former partner Steve's vision for Apple, but hey,
look who is the billionaire!

I am still puzzled, you are not very specific. *My* screen does not pop
windows about or drip with candy...

You talking about the silly dock and its cartooning about? Well, let me
tell you that my phrase "the silly dock" has not won me friends in the
Mac community (I got the impression it was a Windows "minimise" idea
with some bells on) and I hated it when it came out in OS X, no such
thing in earlier OSs). But I have gotten used to it and use it to good
effect now. And it does not cartoon about because I have turned all that
nonsense off. It's just a line of very crisp icons and what is more is
not even visible unless my mouse goes right down to the bottom of the

You are probably a little naive about Macs. Perhaps as much as I am
about Windows, I suggest you have no background to be able to see the
fundamentals from the silly features (which can be turned off) on Macs.

Look, Jonathan, you must know by now that I am a bit of a friend of
Roger Rabbit, and I can absolutely assure you that he uses a Mac. Plus
he turns off *all* cartooning features.

He makes me laugh so much when we enjoy a beer together, I say to him,
Hey, Roger, I would have thought you would like all that cartooning
stuff on the Mac.

Nah, he says, I get too much of it in real life.


none <""lionel\"@(none)"> said:
Might go ask comp.lang.javascript if I should use JS or not :).

Is that not a bit like a farmer going to a wolf's den to ask if it OK to
leave some of his chickens out of the barn tonight?

Raymond SCHMIT

Installing Abyss (or any other web server) locally won't do much good if
the hosting service doesn't support php.

He was speaking about "my server" ..... i had understood that evenwile
his "web hosting service" can deliver php services, his local
webserver did not support php.

Roy A.

He was speaking about "my server" ..... i had understood that evenwile
his "web hosting service" can deliver php services, his local
webserver did not support php.

Sure. Take your fraud another place.

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