Clark Cox
How many time have you posted code or cut code from a posting ?
Many times. Why is that relevant?
How many time have you posted code or cut code from a posting ?
Hyperlinking is more technologically progressive than
attachments. Yet you insist on attachments. You luddite!
On Wed, 06 Jun 2007 09:21:52 +1000,GianniMariani
Gosh, you're awfully generous with volunteering the time and effort of
the moderators. Perhaps you should run it by them before you make a
commitment for them?
That argument assumes there is technological progress to oppose. It
looks pretty clear form the responses to this thread that those who care
don't see any advantage and some see potential risks.
As I said upthread, I don't care, but I prefer to cut and paste into an
open editor than save a file and open it.
I think you can easily auto filter inappropriate attachments.
I often have my responses auto filtered saying I've quoted too much of
the original message. That's one of the reasons (not the only one) I
don't use c.l.c++.mod...
Sorry, that's incorrect.
Postings to clc++m are never automatically rejected, except for
cross-posting to unsupported groups.
However, the moderation software flags articles that in a limited
statistical sense are overquoted, and it also flags articles quoting the
clc++m banner, which generally means the poster hasn't even bothered to
try -- there is a high chance of rejection *by the human moderator in
the loop* if you don't think of the readers...
[ ... ]
You opine without basis in fact.
Not true. I didn't express the facts, but that's different from claiming
that there IS not factual basis.
Please elaborate. Surely one who is
enlightened with technology can make a convincing argument on such a
simple issue.
I'm not sure I agree with your premise, but the argument is quite
simple: this is a _discussion_ newsgroup. Attachments are not
Yes, attachments can/could reduce some problems due to lines in source
code being wrapped by various poorly configured editors/readers, etc.
While true as far as it goes, this has little relevance. First of all,
as has already been pointed out, many of us wouldn't open attachments
from unknown sources. Second, many (most?) newsreaders assume that
attachments are binaries and treat them in a manner suitable for
binaries, not as part of the message body where it belongs (given that
this IS a discussion group, so nothing really belongs outside the body).
If you really want to ensure against munging of posted source code,
there are better ways. Years ago, on Fidonet, a number of people noted
roughly the same problem. One of the solutions that was posted was a
program called csplit.c. This had a number of advantages over
attachments. First and foremost, the source code stayed in the body of
the message, and remained in a reasonably readable format. Second, since
it was still simple text, there was no way for anybody to hide something
people really don't want, as is trivial with an attachment. Third, it
actually did other "cleanup" on the code to make it ready for posting
(e.g. it automatically expanded tabs to a specified number of spaces,
since readers often don't display tabs quite the same as a programming
The method you're advocating is quite invasive and accomplishes little.
Other methods can minimize the invasiveness while accomplishing
considerably more.
Sometimes, but I'd wager most attached code would have DOS line endingsGianni said:Have you never had to deal with message formatting messing with the
Clark said:On 2007-06-05 17:03:47 -0700, Gianni Mariani <[email protected]> said: ....
Many times. Why is that relevant?
OK. I think this may be our difference in opinion. I do think there
are many good reasons to have source code attachments.
a) One click - save file - compile is simpler than open file, copy,
paste, correct the justification mangling etc.
b) Posting back a response is simply select drag-drop.
c) Attached code is more easily identified in the archives making it
easier (theoretically in the future) to search for.
I'd like to see how you justify that statement.
I think it's obvious but maybe my earlier comments give you a
better idea.
The inference being file attachments are not ?
Owen Jacobson wrote:
Vile or not, I think anyone (including me) who opposes
technological progress with no substantive reasoning is a
luddite by the very (modern) definition of the term.
If this conjures visions of vile intellectual dishonesty in
you, then this is something you need to deal with. Good luck
with that.
In this case, there are technologically superior methods of dealing with
this news group when it comes to attaching code.
I have made
references to the issues I raised and *all* the responses are of the
form - "I like it the way it is, no need to improve".
I don't think I'm being intellectually dishonest.
Maybe I could do a
better job of making my case, but I know I am saying exactly what I
My only motive here is to improve the collective experience of
posting on this NG.
I have posted over 3000 times over the last few years so I think I'm
qualified to have a founded opinion on the qualities of the system.
Let me throw this one back at you. To accuse someone of being
dishonest, you must have some kind of reason to believe I have lied or
been fraudulent in some way.
Why would I lie ? I've made it pretty
clear (I think) why we need to make some change. It looks to me like
you need to reflect on your use of the term "dishonest".
Even worse then. I don't remember the exact postings but it was a
couple of years ago. I'm pretty sure I quoted only the significant
portions of the message and placed my responses inline. It happened 3
times and I have not bothered to post there (often) since. If I take
the time to respond to someone, the last thing I want to have happen
is to have some human get in the way of getting that message out there
for some lamo reason.
There are other reasons - like moderator propagation delay - which
causes one question to be answered many times. This makes the level
of noise unacceptably worse IMHO than c.l.c++.
All the responses so far have not addressed the issues I raised.
Have you never had to deal with message formatting messing with the
code?- Hide quoted text -
I have a vague memory of csplit. I'll go check.
You may an assertion about "invasive", I don't concede on that point.
Explain what is so invasive to you.
I almost never find code a simple cut-n-paste.
Here is a very recent classic example:
Alf said:* Gianni Mariani: ....
Just talk to the moderators. Communicate. Nothing gets fixed without
communication. I mean, there's an address to write to, and if one
moderator makes a bad decision, which of course happens, he'll (we're
all male: girls, where are you?) be told so by the others, and amend his
decision. As for me -- currently I'm the most likely to process your
articles, but I've only been doing this since last fall so I wasn't the
mod you encountered -- you can take that discussion in public if you
want, because I'm all for communication and Doing Things Right. ;-)
There are other reasons - like moderator propagation delay - which
causes one question to be answered many times. This makes the level
of noise unacceptably worse IMHO than c.l.c++.
Yes and no. We have an [already stated] rejection reason, but we
haven't been applying it much, so there are many threads, mostly basic
questions, where a large number of almost identical answers are posted
and appear roughly at the same time. However, that also serves as a
quality check and provides some confidence that the answers are correct.
So use a source code formatter, like SourceFormatX.
James said:People typically resort to such personal insinuations when they
don't have technical arguments to support their point of view.
In other words, you have the right to insult people, but they
don't have the right to argue back.
Such as? The current situation seems close to ideal to me.
Putting the code in a separate attachment causes no end of extra
work if I want to look at it and comment it.
Note that according to the charter of this group, the goal of
posted code isn't that I copy it on to my machine to use it as
third party library. The goal is discussion---I want that code
right there in my editor with the rest of the message, so that I
can comment it.
I haven't heard anyone say that there's no need to improve.
What I've heard is people saying that allowing attachments would
not be an improvement. Which is certainly true with regards to
the charter of the group.
[...]I don't think I'm being intellectually dishonest.
You never do, do you?
And not listening to what other people thing.
Somehow, I doubt that you've posted anywhere near as much as I
have over the years.
I don't think he meant it quite that strongly. At least as I
understand it, "intellectual dishonesty" isn't quite the same
thing as fraud, and is often used to cover the idea that you're
not considering the arguments of others fairly.
I think it's a particular use of English; I don't think anyone
is accusing you of misrepresenting your ideas.
Pro: Immediately visible (I can comment on the code without leaving my
Pro: Most compatible (I can read it in *any* newsreader; even a in a raw
"telnet newsserver 119")
Pro: No formatting issues
Con: Must save to a file, then open in a text editor to even *see* the code
Con: If I want to comment on the code, I have to copy the code into my
response anyway (if it were in-line in the OP, then I would get this
"for free" by quoting)
It sounds like you're looking for a better solution to your problem
of having to reassemble the code when answering questions here.
... Do
you really think it should be done by making everybody else's lives
more difficult?
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